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Hilltop was a tiny village nestled in the southern foothills of the Nether Mountains in the Silver Marches in the mid-to-late 14th century DR.[1]

Thank you for visiting Hilltop - A community that cares!
—  Text on a farewell sign next to the exit gates from Hilltop.[1]


The trail to Hilltop branched off the trail between Everlund and Sundabar, between Lhuvenhead and Jalanthar, which were the nearest communities. To the east of Hilltop was the village of Blumberg and far to the west, down the River Rauvin was Everlund. It was described as a very inhospitable land due to its cold climate and potential hazards, such as roaming monsters around the area.[1]


The area was governed by the elected mayor, Veraunt Shuttlescomb, around the early 1370s DR. Although falling within the boundary of Luruar, it was not one of the signatories of the League of the Silver Marches, being too small.[1]


The so-called Free Towns of Hilltop, Newfort, Winter Edge, and others were founded by ex-soldiers of Zhentil Keep who'd retired in disgust and wished a new life. However, being distrusted by neighboring towns for their origins, they made their own settlements such as these.[2]

In a particularly cold Kythorn of the Year of Wild Magic, 1372 DR, Hilltop was attacked by a large group of kobolds. Casualties were relatively light, with only a few militiamen and two civilians killed in exchange for dozens of kobold dead. Neighboring Blumberg was sacked by gnolls on the same day as the Hilltop kobold attack. Drogan Droganson, however, the one who could likely do the most to repair the damage to the village, was poisoned in the attack and incapacitated, leaving his eldest apprentice to try and solve everyone's problems. This apprentice would go on to do great things like destroying the Netherese flying city of Undrentide and defeating the Valsharess and Mephistopheles.[1]


Hilltop won second place in the "Communities in Bloom" competition, losing to Blumberg. It is unknown if there were any other entrants.[1]

Notable Locations[]

The main point of interest was Drogan Droganson's adventuring school.[1]

Notable Inhabitants[]

Whilst the town was not of notable size, Drogan's school accommodated many adventurer students in its time including Xanos Messarmos, Mischa Waymeet and Dorna Trapspringer, and the one known as Drogan Droganson's pupil.[1]

Merchants in the town included the tavernmaster Lodar and his chef Mara, the blacksmith Fiona, and herbalist Farghan. The local priest, Gilford, also provided his services to the town.[1]

Hol Halstrom lived in the village before his corpse was found and his death linked to a self-proclaimed prophet Piper.[1]



Video games
Neverwinter Nights: Shadows of Undrentide

External Links[]

Disclaimer: The views expressed in the following links do not necessarily represent the views of the editors of this wiki, nor does any lore presented necessarily adhere to established canon.

  • Nwnwiki logo Hilltop article at the NWNWiki, a wiki for the Neverwinter Nights games.

