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Forgotten Realms Wiki

Gorg was a hobgoblin prisoner at the Revel's End prison on the Frozenfar in the late 1490s DR.[1][2][note 1]

Been in a lot of cells. Never shared one with a female. Think I'm gonna like it.
— Gorg, being that guy[2]


Standing some 7 feet (2.1 meters), Gorg had pointed ears, jagged teeth, and long black hair, and was muscular and heavily scarred.[1][2]


Quest Begins - Gorg

Gorg tries to make friends.

For unspecified crimes, Gorg was transported to the Revel's End prison on the coast of the Sea of Moving Ice. On the sleigh ride there, however, even whilst manacled hand and foot,[1][2] he killed his fellow prisoner by twisting his neck, then alleged it had been a bumpy ride to the guards.[2] Four had to escort him, including Lucas, and they shoved Gorg into a cell with Holga Kilgore and Edgin Darvis—despite it being only a two-person cell. But when he sleazed onto Holga and made a grab for her, she beat him up, breaking both his legs and knocking him out cold on the frozen waste bucket.[1][2][note 2]



Gorg is played by actor Spencer Wilding.


  1. The Honor Among Thieves movie and its tie-ins are as yet undated. As discussed here, from the condition of Castle Never and Dagult Neverember's reign, this wiki estimates a date of the late 1490s DR for the main events of the movie. Prequels and flashback scenes are set up to 11 years before this.
  2. Short of an overcrowded prison population, it seems that the guards expected for Holga to beat Gorg up for them.


Film & Television
Honor Among Thieves
The Junior NovelizationThe Quest Begins


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 Jonathan Goldstein, John Francis Daley (2023). Honor Among Thieves. (Paramount Pictures).
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5 2.6 David Lewman (February 28, 2023). Honor Among Thieves: The Junior Novelization. (Random House Worlds), chap. 1, pp. 6–9. ISBN 0593647955.