Forgotten Realms Wiki
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Forgotten Realms Wiki

Gantharla was the older sister of King Iltharl the Insufficient and, from the Year of the Dun Dragon, 245 DR, she became the 18th Obarskyr monarch and first reigning queen of Cormyr.[1]


Gantharla had brilliant red hair, worn short. She wore mottled green forester's leathers including a hood, and an elven chain shirt tinted green.[2]


Gantharla's father was Boldovar the Mad. Her brother was Iltharl the Insufficient.[3]

She had an illegitimate son before her coronation, Roderin Obarskyr.[1]


Gantharla had a sword called Shiningbite. The sword was also known as Drake's Tooth, and there was also a Cormyrian ship by that name.[4]


Gantharla had patrolled the Western Marches of Cormyr with her foresters.[3] She was recalled to Suzail in 245 DR, much to her initial disgust, by her brother, King Iltharl.[5] She stationed her foresters on Soldier's Green[6] near Suzail and marched into Faerlthann's Keep, thinking Iltharl was interfering with her plans, but he abdicated the throne to her, making her the first queen of Cormyr.[5]



