Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Filverel Donnathlascen was the Magister from 669 DR to 694 DR.[1]


Filverel had a natural gift for spell development, with which he crafted some variant combination spells. He also created some spell-assisted "leaping boulder" traps.[1]


Though he had journeyed to Myth Drannor to see its splendor, Filverel spent very little time there, finding the intrigues and feuding to be insufferable. Instead, he journeyed to the southern Thunder Peaks, where he adapted after some time, crafting some spells to aid himself. Also in that location, he found a mountain cave which was also the tomb of an ancient wizard, holding his spellbook. The wizard's presence haunted Filverel, but after he showed interest in it, it became more of an aid and a guide than a danger.[1]

Though he slew a large number of challengers, eventually Filverel died at the hands of Larongar Veverell "Firehands" in a spectacular duel.[1]

Rumors & Legends[]

His final duel against Larongar Veverell was mistaken by onlookers as the gods dueling across the sky.[1]


