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The element of air was one of the four fundamental building blocks of matter,[4] and the origin of everything that was gaseous.[5] It represented change, flexibility, and freedom.[6]


Air manifested its position in the cosmos as the Elemental Plane of Air, one of the Inner Planes.[7][5] The element was also represented there in living form as air elementals.[5]

The ruler over the portfolio of air in Faerûn and Zakhara was the elemental lord Akadi[6][8]—in the Hordelands known as Teylas[9]—while it was held by Enlil in the Untheric[10][11] and Qotal in the Maztican pantheon.[12] Among demihuman deities, Aerdrie Faenya of the elves held dominion over air.[13] The archomental Yan-C-Bin also announced his wish to dominate the element by calling himself Master of Evil Air,[14] as did, by her very name, the Queen of Air and Darkness.[15]

A number of Torilian powers were concerned less directly with the elemental aspect but with moving air, either as beneficial wind—Bahamut,[16] Eha,[17] Hakiyah, Haku,[18] Valkur[19]—or destructive storm—Anhur,[20] Talos,[21] Umberlee (at sea),[22] and Set (in the desert).[23]


School of Elemental Air[]

Many magical spells utilized the element of air.[24] Elemental air was recognized as a "school of effect" (rather than one of the eight traditional schools of magic).[25][26] Wizards specializing in this school were called air elementalists.[26][note 1][27] Air was opposed to the element of earth, both as a school of magic[26] and as a worldview.[6][28]

Magic-users in Zakhara had a similar, but not identical, notion of air magic in the form of the province of wind. These individuals were called wind mages.[29]

Divine Air Magic[]

A number of deities granted divine spells that relied on the element, either in the form of the elemental air sphere,[30] or the air domain.[31][32]

Celestial Bodies[]

Spacefarers also used the four elements to distinguish different types of celestial bodies present in the crystal spheres.[33] The one major air body in Realmspace was the gas giant Coliar.[34][35]


See Also[]


  1. In some areas of the world of Mystara, air elementalists were called aeromancers.


  1. Jeff Grubb (July 1987). Manual of the Planes 1st edition. (TSR). ISBN 0880383992.
  2. Jeff Grubb, Bruce R. Cordell, David Noonan (September 2001). Manual of the Planes 3rd edition. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 68. ISBN 0-7869-1850-8.
  3. Richard Baker, John Rogers, Robert J. Schwalb, James Wyatt (December 2008). Manual of the Planes 4th edition. (Wizards of the Coast). ISBN 978-0-7869-5002-7.
  4. David "Zeb" Cook (1994). Planescape Campaign Setting, A DM Guide to the Planes. Edited by David Wise. (TSR, Inc), p. 26. ISBN 978-1560768340.
  5. 5.0 5.1 5.2 Monte Cook and William W. Connors (December 7, 1998). The Inner Planes. Edited by Michele Carter and Ray Vallese. (TSR, Inc.), pp. 6, 20–29. ISBN 0-7869-0736-3.
  6. 6.0 6.1 6.2 Julia Martin, Eric L. Boyd (March 1996). Faiths & Avatars. (TSR, Inc.), pp. 24–25. ISBN 978-0786903849.
  7. Ed Greenwood, Sean K. Reynolds, Skip Williams, Rob Heinsoo (June 2001). Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 3rd edition. (Wizards of the Coast), pp. 256–257. ISBN 0-7869-1836-5.
  8. Jeff Grubb (August 1992). Land of Fate (Adventurer's Guide to Zakhara). (TSR, Inc), p. 57. ISBN 978-1560763291.
  9. David Cook (August 1990). “Volume I”. In Steve Winter ed. The Horde (TSR, Inc.), p. 13. ISBN 0-88038-868-4.
  10. Eric L. Boyd (September 1997). Powers & Pantheons. Edited by Julia Martin. (TSR, Inc.), p. 94. ISBN 978-0786906574.
  11. Colin McComb (October 1996). On Hallowed Ground. Edited by Ray Vallese. (TSR, Inc.), pp. 62, 172. ISBN 0-7869-0430-5.
  12. Douglas Niles (August 1991). “Gods & Battles”. Maztica Campaign Set (TSR, Inc.), p. 24. ISBN 1-5607-6084-2.
  13. Eric L. Boyd (November 1998). Demihuman Deities. Edited by Julia Martin. (TSR, Inc.), p. 114. ISBN 0-7869-1239-1.
  14. Monte Cook and William W. Connors (December 7, 1998). The Inner Planes. Edited by Michele Carter and Ray Vallese. (TSR, Inc.), p. 26. ISBN 0-7869-0736-3.
  15. Carl Sargent (May 1992). Monster Mythology. (TSR, Inc), p. 125. ISBN 1-5607-6362-0.
  16. David Noonan (May 2004). Complete Divine. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 108. ISBN 0-7869-3272-4.
  17. Douglas Niles (August 1991). “Gods & Battles”. Maztica Campaign Set (TSR, Inc.), p. 30. ISBN 1-5607-6084-2.
  18. Jeff Grubb (August 1992). Land of Fate (Adventurer's Guide to Zakhara). (TSR, Inc), pp. 48–49. ISBN 978-1560763291.
  19. Eric L. Boyd (September 1997). Powers & Pantheons. Edited by Julia Martin. (TSR, Inc.), p. 72. ISBN 978-0786906574.
  20. Eric L. Boyd (September 1997). Powers & Pantheons. Edited by Julia Martin. (TSR, Inc.), pp. 96–97. ISBN 978-0786906574.
  21. Julia Martin, Eric L. Boyd (March 1996). Faiths & Avatars. (TSR, Inc.), p. 155. ISBN 978-0786903849.
  22. Julia Martin, Eric L. Boyd (March 1996). Faiths & Avatars. (TSR, Inc.), p. 173. ISBN 978-0786903849.
  23. Eric L. Boyd (September 1997). Powers & Pantheons. Edited by Julia Martin. (TSR, Inc.), p. 126. ISBN 978-0786906574.
  24. Cook, Findley, Herring, Kubasik, Sargent, Swan (1991). Tome of Magic 2nd edition. (TSR, Inc), p. 151. ISBN 1-56076-107-5.
  25. Richard Baker (1996). Player's Option: Spells & Magic. (TSR, Inc), pp. 16–19. ISBN 0-7869-0394-5.
  26. 26.0 26.1 26.2 Cook, Findley, Herring, Kubasik, Sargent, Swan (1991). Tome of Magic 2nd edition. (TSR, Inc), p. 9. ISBN 1-56076-107-5.
  27. Tim Beach (October 1994). “Campaign Book”. In Lester Smith ed. Red Steel (TSR, Inc.), p. 30. ISBN 1-56076-895-9.
  28. Julia Martin, Eric L. Boyd (March 1996). Faiths & Avatars. (TSR, Inc.), pp. 66–67. ISBN 978-0786903849.
  29. Jeff Grubb and Andria Hayday (April 1992). Arabian Adventures. (TSR, Inc), p. 111. ISBN 978-1560763581.
  30. David "Zeb" Cook (August 1989). Player's Handbook (2nd edition). (TSR, Inc.), p. 34. ISBN 0-88038-716-5.
  31. Ed Greenwood, Sean K. Reynolds, Skip Williams, Rob Heinsoo (June 2001). Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 3rd edition. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 62. ISBN 0-7869-1836-5.
  32. Jonathan Tweet, Monte Cook, Skip Williams (July 2003). Player's Handbook v.3.5. (Wizards of the Coast), p. 185. ISBN 0-7869-2886-7.
  33. Jeff Grubb (August 1989). ��Concordance of Arcane Space”. Spelljammer: AD&D Adventures in Space (TSR, Inc.). ISBN 0-88038-762-9.|74-76}}
  34. >Jeff Grubb (August 1989). “Lorebook of the Void”. Spelljammer: AD&D Adventures in Space (TSR, Inc.), pp. 92–95. ISBN 0-88038-762-9.
  35. Dale "slade" Henson (April 1991). Realmspace. Edited by Gary L. Thomas, Karen S. Boomgarden. (TSR, Inc). ISBN 1-56076-052-4.

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The Building Blocks of the Multiverse

AirEarthFireWater • (Wood)

Negative energyPositive energy
Schools of Magic
Schools of effect
Schools of thaumaturgy
ArtificeSongWild magic
Zakharan provinces of magic
Netherese Fields of Mythal
ChronomancyHishnaPlumaPaths of power