Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

Drik was a thug and robber who operated near Yhaunn in Sembia in 1373 DR.[1]


He was an unpleasant and predatory man, and wielded a club in combat. He was quiet and untalkative compared to his companion.[1]


Drik was a close associate of Stag, and was also friends with the patrons of Cutter's Dip, such as Noyle, Kor, and Lahumbra Sashtyn.[2]


In Eleasis of the Year of Rogue Dragons, 1373 DR, he and Stag attempted to rob Feena Archwood outside of Yhaunn, not knowing she was a werewolf and a priestess of Selûne. She defeated the two of them handily with her unarmed skills and divine magic, and left them unconscious outside the city.[1]

A tenday later, Drik and Stag came across Feena again by chance at the Cutter's Dip tavern.[3] This time, they turned the bar patrons against her by claiming she was a robber and a wild mage, and easily had her at their mercy as they tormented her with Dip's Stagger.[4] They were interrupted by Keph Thingoleir, who rescued Feena purely out of personal disdain for Stag. After a brief unarmed brawl, Drik drew a throwing knife, but Keph shattered his knee with a well-placed kick, leaving him on the floor of the tavern.[5]



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