Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

The civilization domain was a deity domain that involved control, growth of civilizations, stability, and trade.[1]


Five deities were generally associated with the civilization domain, both good and evil. Waukeen and her followers wished to protect merchant caravans to and from different civilizations. Torm believed civilization important, due to its incorporation of laws and ability to dispense justice. Amaunator greatly assisted the growth of civilizations both large and small. Asmodeus considered civilizations purely as a means of rising to and holding power. Bane believed the point of civilization as a whole was to control the masses and establish power structures.[1]


Any divine caster who worshiped a god of the civilization domain would use it to channel the power of their deity. When a divine caster chose this domain, they would become more diplomatic. When they used a power of the domain, they would deal more damage against a target for each target that surrounded them. The powers gained by the casters were: leading strike, mantle of the infidel, priest's shield, and valiant strike.[2]

By using the channel divinity known as anthem of civilization, the caster inspired their allies to work together in a civilized manner. Either the caster or an ally of their choice gained higher accuracy against an enemy that they were flanking.[2]




Deity Domains
3rd, 3.5, and 5th Editions
AirAnimalArcanaAvariceBalanceBestialBlightbringerCavernCelestialChangeChaosCharityCharmChastityCivilizationColdCommunityCorruptionCraftCreationDarknessDeathDemonicDestructionDiabolicDreamDrowDwarfEarthElfEnduranceEnvyEvilFamilyFateFeyFireForgeFreedomGenerosityGloryGluttonyGnomeGoodGraveGreedHalflingHatredHealingHeraldHopeHumilityHuntIllusionJoyJusticeKnowledgeLawLifeLightLoveLuckLustMadnessMagicMentalismMetalMindMoonNatureNobilityOceanOrcOrderPainPatiencePeacePlanningPlantPleasurePoisonPortalPrideProtectionRadianceRenewalReposeRetributionRuneScalykindSeaSkillSlimeSlothSpellSpiderStormStrengthStrifeSufferingSunTemperanceTempestTimeTormentTradeTravelTrickeryTwilightTyrannyUndeathVengeanceWarWaterWatery deathWildernessWinterWrathZeal