Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

The Azure Wolves were a mighty mercenary company active east of the Sword Coast in the mid–15th century DR.[1] They were so renowned that any mercenary active in the region knew their name even a decade after they had ceased activity.[2]


The Azure Wolves—and their leader, General Varnoth Wender—were widely feared.[1] Their fame peaked around the Year of the Plagued Lords, 1471 DR,[note 1] after which the injured and exhausted General Varnoth left the company to live a life of atonement at Dragon's Rest on Stormwreck Isle.[1][2]

Notable Members[]



  1. The pre-generated Fighter and Paladin character sheets included in the Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set (2022) describe the eruption of Mount Hotenow (1451 DR) as occurring "30 years ago", which places the Dragons of Stormwreck Isle adventure in 1481 DR. However, we note that this may be an error as it appears to be copied from Lost Mine of Phandelver, the adventure included in the Dungeons & Dragons Starter Set (2014), which was subsequently retconned in Acquisitions Incorporated to be set in 1491 DR.


Referenced only
Dragons of Stormwreck Isle

