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Almraiven was a city on the shore of the Shining Sea. It was the only remaining human city in Calimshan around 1479 DR.[4]


Founded around −5521 DR, the city weathered countless natural and man-made disasters and was rebuilt many times.[4]

The city was relatively unscathed by the Spellplague after 1385 DR and the city's mages were able to fend off genasi attacks during their rebellion.[2]


Around 1372 DR, Almraiven was an important port city, hosting Calimshan's largest shipbuilding facility. The city was busy with mercantile and guild activity, and it had been the regional center for magical studies for over three thousand years.[1]


The archmage Acham el Jhotos ruled Almraiven for many years and worked tirelessly to protect the city from djinn and efreet threats. Slavery was legal in Almraiven but el Jhotos was an abolitionist who sought to eventually free all slaves in Calimshan.[4]

Notable Locations[]

El Jhotos's Palace
This lavish palace was heavily warded and contained large gardens with trees similar to those that grew in the Forest of Mir prior to the Spellplague.[4]

Acham el Jhotos's laboratory

The laboratory of the powerful magician who might contain one of the two book for the Ritual of Return who was in Corvus Nightfeather's possession before his extraplanar space of storing were he kept it was destroyed by Shahrokh when being enslaved.[4]

T'Emma's Bar
This dive located in a basement near the docks was run by a runt gnoll named T'Emma. It was a valuable source of information for those who dealt in seedier lines of work.[4]



Novels & Short Stories

Referenced only
The God Catcher


