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Advanced Dungeons & Dragons is a series of comic books originally published by DC Comics and set in the Forgotten Realms. Advanced Dungeons & Dragons debuted in October 1988, after the Dragonlance series. Dan Mishkin authored the Advanced Dungeons & Dragons (1988-1991) comic book. In the late 1980s, Jeff Grubb wrote four fill-in issues of Advanced Dungeons & Dragons.[2], Michael Fleisher also wrote for the series. Jan Duursema drew the Advanced Dungeons and Dragons comic book series for three years. Duursema drew issues #1-#22, #24-#30, #33-#36, and Annual #1 (1988–91), while Ron Randall also provided artwork for issue #8, and Tom Mandrake illustrated issues #23, #31-#32, and Annual #1 (1990-1991). Elliot S. Maggin served as an editor for DC from 1989 to 1991 and oversaw the licensed TSR titles, including Advanced Dungeons & Dragons. Kim Yale served as an editor for DC from 1991–1993 and oversaw their licensed titles. In October 1991, the TSR license ended bringing an end to the line with Advanced Dungeons & Dragons reaching issue #36.


The series told the adventures of a motley band of heroes: Vajra Valmeyjar, a former champion gladiator of Manshaka; Timoth Eyesbright, a good-hearted centaur warrior; Onyx the Invincible, an irascible dwarf fighter and thief; and Kyriani Agrivar, a mischievous half-elf wizard. They were based at the Selûne's Smile inn, owned by the mysterious Luna (in fact, an avatar of the moon goddess Selûne), and sometimes joined by Conner, a dangerous figure from Vajra's past, and the famous mage Khelben "Blackstaff" Arunsun. In the first four issues, the comic also starred the gentle mage Cybriana and the fallen paladin Priam Agrivar, before Cybriana became Kyriani and Priam was spun off into the related Forgotten Realms comic series.

Set in the then-current setting years of 1357 DR and 1359 DR[1] and covering the Time of Troubles, the adventures took place in and around Waterdeep, but occasionally ventured further afield, to Calimshan and elsewhere. In between traditional fantasy adventures and lighthearted and comic romps, stories explored the character's troubled pasts and the divine conflict between Selûne and Shar.

The heroes would go on to make appearances in later sourcebooks, with Kyriani becoming a member of the Moonstars and Vajra, Timoth, and Onyx playing key roles in the kingdom of Tethyr.

Comic books[]

Vol. Issue Title Published
1 1 "Origins Arc Part 1: The Gathering" 1988-12
1 2 "Origins Arc Part 2: The Bounty Seekers Of Manshaka" 1989-01
1 3 "Origins Arc Part 3: The Secret of Selûne's Eye" 1989-02
1 4 "Origins Arc Part 4: Sorcerer's Moon" 1989-03
1 5 "The Spirit of Myrrth, Part 1: The Spirit of Myrrth" 1989-04
1 6 "The Spirit of Myrrth, Part 2: Beneath the City of the Dead" 1989-05
1 7 "The Spirit of Myrrth, Part 3: Showtime! Or, Revenge of the Living Monologue" 1989-06
1 8 "The Spirit of Myrrth, Part 4: Die Laughing" 1989-07
2 9 "Catspaw, Part 1: Night of the Moonpenguin" 1989-08
2 10 "Catspaw, Part 2: Of Mirt & Mind Flayers" 1989-09
2 11 "Catspaw, Part 3: All Hades Breaks Loose" 1989-10
2 12 "Catspaw, Part 4: Down in the Depths" 1989-11
2 13 "Spell Games, Part 1: Shackles of the Past" 1989-12
2 14 "Spell Games, Part 2: Shell Game" 1990-01
2 15 "Spell Games, Part 3: Cat & Mouse" 1990-02
2 16 "Spell Games, Part 4: The Last Betrayal" 1990-03
2 17 "Kyriani's Story, Part 1: The Ostus Legacy" 1990-04
2 18 "Kyriani's Story, Part 2: Day of the Darkening" 1990-05
3 19 "Phases of the Moon: First Quarter: Selune Rising" 1990-06
3 20 "Phases of the Moon: Second Quarter: Dark of the Moon" 1990-07
3 21 "Phases of the Moon: Third Quarter: Lunatics" 1990-08
3 22 "Phases of the Moon: Fourth Quarter: Total Eclipse" 1990-10
3 "Annual 1990" 1990
3 23 "Lawyers!" 1990-11
3 24 "Scavengers I: Scavengers" 1990-12
3 25 "Scavengers II: Predators" 1991-01
3 26 "Scavengers III: Survivors" 1991-02
4 27 "Death and the Dragon's Eye Part 1: Death and the Dragon's Eye" 1991-04
4 28 "Death and the Dragon's Eye Part 2: Suspicion!" 1991-03
4 29 "Death and the Dragon's Eye Part 3: Dead of Night" 1991-05
4 30 "Death and the Dragon's Eye Part 4: Burning Questions" 1991-06
4 31 "Dwarven Gold, Part 1: Pillar of Gold" 1991-07
4 32 "Dwarven Gold, Part 2: Broken Pillars" 1991-08
4 33 "Summer in the City" 1991-09
4 34 "Rites and Wrongs, Part One: Telling Lies" 1991-10
4 35 "Rites and Wrongs, Part Two: The Truth" 1991-11
4 36 "Rites and Wrongs, Part Three: Rights and Wrongs" 1991-12


After twenty years, the series was finally reprinted by IDW Publishing as a set of trade paperbacks under the title Dungeons & Dragons Classics. The four volumes collected all 36 issues.

Vol. Title Published
1 Dungeons & Dragons Classics, Vol. 1 2011-5
2 Dungeons & Dragons Classics, Vol. 2 2011-11
3 Dungeons & Dragons Classics, Vol. 3 2012-6
4 Dungeons & Dragons Classics, Vol. 4 2013-3


See Also[]


Further Reading[]


  1. 1.0 1.1 Eric L. Boyd, Ed Greenwood, Steven E. Schend (2000). Presenting...Seven Millennia of Realms Fiction. Wizards of the Coast. Archived from the original on 2003-06-21. Retrieved on 2015-08-12.
  2. Allen Varney (May 1998). “ProFiles: Jeff Grubb”. In Dave Gross ed. Dragon #247 (TSR, Inc.), p. 120.

