Forgotten Realms Wiki
Forgotten Realms Wiki

AD&D Miniatures was a line of metal miniatures produced by Ral Partha for Advanced Dungeons & Dragons between 1987 and 1997.[1][2] The line consisted of thirty box-sets and hundreds of blister packs focused around D&D and its many settings. Elements of the Forgotten Realms setting featured in a number of ranges, with the Battlesystem range in particular drawing upon a number of books that used the streamlined second edition of the eponymous rule set, Battlesystem Miniatures Rules.


AD&D Miniatures began production in 1987 after TSR, Inc signed a licensing agreement with Ral Partha.[1][2] One of the line's earliest Forgotten Realms box-sets was announced by James Ward in the Game Wizards column in Dragon #132, saying it would be shown off at that year's Gen Con Game Fair.[3] During the companies' nine years of production the two worked closely together on releases to ensure quality and logical consistency with proportions or scale.[4]

In 1996, as part of their War with Myrkyssa Jelan storyline, the Living City organized play program held an Interactive event at that year's Gen Con Game Fair involving AD&D Miniatures. Those wishing to participate were instructed to purchase and paint a blister pack of the 15mm scale Battlesystem, or Ral Partha's generic Rank & File, figure lines and bring them to the convention. Only select blister packs were permitted to be fielded, with each costing in-game gold pieces to muster. And rather than the Battlesystem Miniatures Rules, the event used the mass combat rules presented in Player's Option: Combat & Tactics.[5][note 1]

Following their acquisition of TSR in 1997, Wizards of the Coast terminated Ral Partha's licensing agreement, ending the AD&D Miniatures line.[1][2]

AD&D Forgotten Realms[]

A two boxed-set range consisting of various 25mm scale characters from Forgotten Realms novels, such as The Finder's Stone trilogy and Legend of Drizzt. The notable exception to this is the warrior Thunderstorm (sans horse), who is featured on the box art of the Heroes set, which is a reuse of Keith Parkinson's cover art for the Forgotten Realms Campaign Set. This set was notably the first product to give Thunderstorm his name. The box art for the Menzoberannzan set is also a reuse, taken from the original cover for Homeland.

Ral Partha Enterprises proudly presents an official Forgotten realms box set. Having worked closely with the excellent staff at Ral Partha during the evolution of this set, TSR believes these to be the finest miniatures possible for the Forgotten Realms campaign setting.

AD&D Forgotten Realms: Heroes[]

AD&D Miniatures - Heroes

Heroes of the Forgotten Realms gather together for a group photo.

Released: April 27, 1988
Catalog Number: 10-550
Cover Illustrator: Keith Parkinson
Sculptor: Dennis Mize

Name Note
Bruenor Battlehammer
Magister Though simply named “Magister”, this figure is more specifically a depiction of the Magister Maxiladanarr Torstren. He was featured prominently on the cover of the The Magister, which came out a month after this set.
Robyn Kendrick
Tristan Kendrick

AD&D Forgotten Realms: Drow Elves of Menzoberranzan[]

AD&D Miniatures - Menzoberranzan

The (heroes?) of Menzoberranzan gather together for a group photo.

Released: July 1, 1993
Catalog Number: 10-551
Cover Illustrator: Jeff Easley
Sculptor: Dennis Mize

Name Note
Carcelen Millithor
Dariel Kront'tane
Drizzt Distinct from the Drizzt in AD&D Forgotten Realms: Heroes, this sculpt is a modification of the one used for Fzoul Chembryl in AD&D Personalities.
Jaxx Likely meant to represent Jarlaxle.
Ki'Willis Millithor
Marckarius Millithor
Matron Banrae Likely meant to represent Yvonnel Baenre, the Matron mother of House Baenre.
Narcelia Millithor
Quertus Millithor

AD&D Personalities[]

A range of 37 blister packs consisting of individual characters from the Dragonlance and Forgotten Realms settings.

Forgotten Realms Dragonlance
Catalogue Number Name Sculptor Note
11-050 Fzoul Chembryl Dennis Mize This sculpt was later modified to create the sculpt of Drizzt featured in AD&D Forgotten Realms: Drow Elves of Menzoberranzan
11-051 Zulkir Szass Tam Unknown
11-052 Mourngrym Amcathra Dennis Mize
11-053 Midnight Dennis Mize
11-054 Lord Manshoon Dennis Mize
11-055 Manxam the Beholder Jeff Willhelm
11-056 Shaerl Amcathra Dennis Mize
11-057 Elminster Dennis Mize
11-058 Khelben "Black Staff" Arunsun Jim Johnson
11-059 Dove Falconhand Dennis Mize
11-060 Florin Falconhand Dennis Mize
11-061 Suul the Lich Geoff Valley
11-062 King Azoun of Cormyr Jim Johnson
11-063 Vangerdahast War Wizard Geoff Valley
11-064 Lord Soth Dennis Mize
11-065 Tanis Chris Fitzpatrick
11-064 Goldmoon Dennis Mize
11-067 Fizban Jim Johnson
11-068 Drizzt Chris Fitzpatrick
11-069 Raistlin Jim Johnson
11-070 Caramon Jim Johnson
11-071 Kitiara Dennis Mize
11-072 Laurana Jim Johnson
11-073 Lord Gunthar Jim Johnson
11-074 Silvara Jim Johnson
11-075 Gilthanas Jim Johnson
11-076 Highbulp and Bupu Jeff Grace
11-077 Flint Fireforge Jeff Grace
11-078 Laeral Silverhand Dennis Mize
11-079 Storm Silverhand Dennis Mize
11-080 Tasslehoff Burrfoot Jeff Grace
11-081 Sturm Brightblade Jeff Grace
11-082 Alustriel Silverhand Dennis Mize
11-083 Dove Falconhand (variant) Dennis Mize
11-084 Simbul Dennis Mize
11-085 Qilué Veladorn Dennis Mize
11-086 (a) Syluné Dennis Mize
11-086 (b) Syluné (ghost) Dennis Mize This variant of the Syluné miniature was made of translucent plastic

Battlesystem Miniatures Brigade - 25mm scale[]

The earliest line of figures produced by Ral Partha. Each of the boxed-sets in this range consisted of a brigade that were advertised as being led by a noteworthy hero or villain from the Forgotten Realms, with two of them being from Kara-Tur. The individual units from each box-set were also sold separately in blister packs. Unlike the AD&D Forgotten Realms box-sets, each of these had wholly original artwork for their covers.

Each of the boxed-sets included a campaign scenario designed for the streamlined second edition of the Battlesystem tabletop rules, Battlesystem Miniatures Rules. Each of these campaign scenarios provided background, a battle setting, and statistics for the combatants involved.

The Horde and Billidûm shared a campaign scenario pitting the two forces against each other, entitled "Battle of Ejen Horo", set in the valley of Ejen Horo sometime prior to Yamun's rise to the position of Khan of the Hoekun. The Grey Blossom Regiment and Harag Skullsmasher shared a campaign scenario entitled "The Raid on Peqqir", centered around the Grey Blossom Regiment defending the city of Peqqir in the Plain of Horses against Harag Skullsmasher and his gnoll forces.

In coordination with TSR, Inc., Ral Partha is proud to introduce boxed sets for use with the TSR BATTLE SYSTEM™ Miniature Rules. Each of the sets includes a brigade led by a noteworthy hero or villain from the Forgotten Realms. Each miniature is sculpted to exact scale exhibiting painstaking detail, full war regalia, and the preferred weaponry of the model's culture. Also, each boxed set includes a BATTLESYSTEM scenario providing background, battle setting, and statistics of the combatants involved. Collect all of the BATTLESYSTEM Miniatures Brigades and engage in the epic conflicts that will determine the future of the Forgotten Realms.
Forgotten Realms Kara-Tur

The Horde - Yaemun's Hoekun Clan Warriors[]

Released: July 1, 1990.
Catalog Number: 10-560
Cover Illustrator: Mark E. Rogers
Sculptor: Richard B. Kerr

Name Amount Included Note
Mounted Commander 1 Likely meant to represent Yamun Khahan, sat atop a Steppe horse in mid-step. Is dressed in the same woven plate described in Horselords.
Armored Cavalryman 6
Light Horseman 12
Weapons Bow, katana, lance, and quiver. No instructions were provided as to where to place these weapons.

Billidûm and the Ogre Marauders of Spiderhaunt[]

Released: July 10, 1990.
Catalog Number: 10-561
Cover Illustrator: Mark E. Rogers
Sculptor: Tom Meier

Name Amount Included Note
Billidûm the Hill Giant 1
Armored Ogre 12 Came in three different body molds, with four different head molds. The heads are modeled to look more "oriental" than Ral Partha's other ogres, with one variant displaying a type of topknot.
Ogre Marauder weapons Axe, mace, spear, sword, and warpick. No instructions were provided as to where to place these weapons.

The Grey Blossom Regiment[]

Released: March 5, 1991
Catalog Number: 10-562
Cover Illustrator: Thomas O. Miller
Sculptor: Dennis Mize

Name Amount Included Note
Mounted Commander 1
Sohei 1
Armored Bushi 12
Unarmored Bushi 12
Battle Flags 8
Weapons 37

Harag Skullsmasher and his Gnoll Raiders[]

Released: April 1, 1991
Catalog Number: 10-563
Cover Illustrator: Thomas O. Miller
Sculptor: Dave Summers

Name Amount Included Note
Gnoll Commander 1 Likely meant to represent Harag Skullsmasher
Flind Shaman 1
Gnoll Warriors 15 Came in three different molds

Iron Lord's Orc Foes of Earth Fast[]

Released: September 9, 1991
Catalog Number: 10-564
Cover Illustrator: Thomas O. Miller
Sculptor: Robert Olley

Name Amount Included Note
Dwarven Hero 1 Likely meant to represent Torg mac Cei, the Ironlord of Earthfast
Dwarven Cleric 1
Guard Halberdier 6
Elite Crossbowmen 6
Elite Dwarves with assorted weaponry 12

Harcourt's Knights of the Golden Way[]

Released: April 27, 1991
Catalog number: 10-565
Cover Illustrator: Thomas O. Miller
Sculptor: Sandra L. Garrity

Name Amount Included Note
Lord on Barded Steed 1 Likely meant to represent Harcourt
Cleric on Barded Steed 1
Mounted Knights 6
Longbowmen 12

Battlesystem Miniatures Brigade - 15mm scale[]

A range of 40 blister packs of 15mm scale miniatures that were released under the "Battle System Miniatures Brigade" line.

A number of these packs featured organizations that were detailed in Gold & Glory (1992), a sourcebook that included statistics for Battlesystem game scenarios. Three of the blister packs were of the skeleton forces of Darkhold, a Zhentarim fortress detailed in the Battlesystem accessory Castles (1990). And another three were of humanoid combatants of the Second Dragonspear War, the conflict of Hordes of Dragonspear (1992), the last major release that supported the Battlesystem ruleset.

Baatezu the Pit Fiend and his Cornugons[]

Catalog Number: 11-950
Sculptor: Dave Summers

Name Amount Included Note
Cornugon 3
Pit fiend 1

Bugbears of Dragonspear[]

Catalog Number: 11-951
Sculptor: Chris Atkin

Name Amount Included Note
Bugbear Infantry (a) 3
Bugbear Infantry (b) 8
Bugbear Leader 1
Bugbear Standard bearer 1

Cormyr Lancers of the Eastern March[]

Catalog Number: 11-903
Sculptors: Dave Summers & Sandra Garrity

Name Amount Included Note
Cormyrean lancer 5 All lancers are mounted on horseback
Cormyrean lancer - standard bearer 1 Also mounted on horseback

Cormyr Lords and War Wizards[]

Catalog Number: 11-904
Sculptor: Jim Johnson

Name Note
Cormyr Lord 1 Likely a depiction of Azoun Obarskyr IV
Cormyr Lord 2 Likely a depiction of Alusair Obarskyr
Cormyr Lord Mounted 1
Cormyr Lord Mounted 2
Cormyr War Wizard
Cormyr War Wizard Mounted

Cormyr Militia[]

Catalog Number: 11-906
Sculptor: Chris Atkin

Name Amount Included Note
Cormyr Militamen 12
Cormyr Milita Leader 1

Cormyr Swordsmen[]

Catalog Number: 11-902
Sculptors: Dave Summers & Sandra Garrity

Name Amount Included Note
Cormyr Swordsman 11
Cormyr Leader 1
Cormyr Standard bearer 1

Dark Watch Mercenary Company[]

Catalog Number: 11-991
Sculptor: Chris Atkin

Name Amount Included Note
Dark Watch mercenary 3 All are mounted on hippogriffs; two archers and one standard bearer

Drow Elf Crossbowmen[]

Catalog Number: 10-960
Sculptor: Chris Atkin

Name Amount Included Note
Drow Crossbowmen (a) 6 Drow holding their crossbow downward
Drow Crossbowmen (b) 5 Drow aiming their crossbow forward
Drow Leader 1
Drow Standard bearer 1

Drow Elf Female Elite Foot[]

Catalog Number: 10-961
Sculptor: Chris Atkin

Name Amount Included Note
Drow leader 1 Armed with some form of battleaxe
Drow standard bearer 1
Drow elite footsoldier 11

Drow Elf Lizard Riders[]

Catalog Number: 10-962
Sculptor: Chris Atkin

Name Amount Included Note
Drow lizard rider 2 An armored drow on a riding lizard equipped with a lance and shield
Drow lizard rider - leader 1
Drow lizard rider - standard bearer 1

Elf Horse Archers[]

Catalog Number: 11-920
Sculptors: Chris Atkin & Sandra L. Garrity

Name Amount Included Note
Elven horse archer 6 All are mounted on horseback
Elven standard bearer 1

Elf Forester[]

Catalog Number: 11-921
Sculptor: Chris Atkin

Name Amount Included Note
Elven forester (archer) 11
Elven forester (standard bearer) 1
Elven forester (leader) 1

Elven Noble Archer of Evereska[]

Catalog Number: 11-924
Sculptor: Chris Atkin

Name Amount Included Note
Elven archer (a) 7 Archer aiming a longbow high for an angled shot
Elven archer (b) 4 Archer aiming a longbow straight forward
Elven leader 1 Cloaked figure resting on a sword planted in the ground
Elven standard bearer 1

Evereska Light War Chariot[]

Catalog Number: 11-920
Sculptors: Chris Atkin & Sandra L. Garrity

Name Amount Included Note
War chariot 1
Chariot horse 2
Evereskan elf 2

Hobgoblins of Dragonspear[]

Catalog Number: 11-953
Sculptor: Chris Atkin

Name Amount Included Note
Hobgoblin leader 1 Adorned in a different style of armor and dual-wielding swords
Hobgoblin standard bearer 1
Hobgoblin trooper (a) 7 Armed with a sword and shield
Hobgoblin trooper (b) 4 Armed with some form of polearm

Iron Dwarf Axemen of Tethyamir[]

Catalog Number: 11-931
Sculptor: Chris Atkin

Name Amount Included Note
Iron Dwarf Axemen (a) 6 Armed with a two-handed axe and a shield
Iron Dwarf Axemen (b) 2 Armed with an axe and shield
Iron Dwarf Axemen (c) 3 Armed with a two-handed axe
Iron Dwarf Axemen (leader) 1
Iron Dwarf Axemen (standard bearer) 1

Iron Dwarf Ballista[]

Catalog Number: 11-933
Sculptor: Chris Atkin

Name Amount Included Note
Dwarven artillerist ?
Dwarven ballista 1 A ballista on a wooden moving platform

Iron Dwarf Crossbowmen of Tethyamir[]

Catalog Number: 11-932
Sculptor: Chris Atkin

Name Amount Included Note
Tethyamir Commander 1
Tethyamir Standard Bearer 1
Tethyamir Trooper (a) 9
Tethyamir Trooper (b) 2

Iron Dwarf Regulars of Tethyamir[]

Catalog Number: 11-930
Sculptor: Chris Atkin

Name Amount Included Note
Tethyamir Infantry 11 Four are armed with a sword and shield, four with a dwarven crossbow, and three with a warpick and shield
Tethyamir Leader 1
Tethyamir Standard bearer 1

Kobold Infantry[]

Catalog Number: 10-974
Sculptor: Chris Atkin

Name Amount Included Note
Kobold Infantry 11
Kobold Leader 1
Kobold Standard bearer 1

Lances of Cormyr Mounted Knights[]

Catalog Number: 11-923
Sculptor: Sandra L. Garrity

Name Amount Included Note
Cormyr Knight 5 All are mounted on horseback and holding lances
Cormyr Knight - Leader 1
Cormyr Knight - standard bearer 1

Levy of the Goblin Marches[]

Catalog Number: 10-971
Sculptor: Dave Summers

Name Amount Included Note
Goblin Infantry (a) 3 Goblin wielding a curved sword and shield
Goblin Infantry (b) 4 Goblin wielding a halberd
Goblin Infantry (c) 4 Goblin wielding a greataxe
Goblin Leader 1 Goblin wielding some kind of two-handed sword with grooves all along its length, likely to be a flamberge
Goblin Standard bearer 1

Longbowmen of Cormyr[]

Catalog Number: 11-901
Sculptor: Sandra L. Garrity

Name Amount Included Note
Cormyr Leader 1
Cormyr Longbowmen 11
Cormyr Standard bearer 1

Mindulgulph Giff[]

Catalog Number: 11-992
Sculptor: Chris Atkin

Name Amount Included Note
Mindulgulph Giff - arquebusiers 6 Giffs dressed traditionally and wielding arquebuses
Mindulgulph Giff - commander 1 A giff adorned in plate mail, wielding a sword and starwheel pistol

Mindulgulph Kenku[]

Catalog Number: 11-994
Sculptor: Geoff Valley

Name Amount Included Note
Mindulgulph Kenku - Airborne Infantry 11
Mindulgulph Kenku - Leader 1
Mindulgulph Kenku - Standard bearer 1

Mindulgulph Wemic[]

Catalog Number: 11-993
Sculptor: Jim Johnson

Name Amount Included Note
Mindulgulph Wemic - Lancer 5 Wield a spear and shield
Mindulgulph Wemic - Leader 1 Holds a sword aloft
Mindulgulph Wemic - Standard bearer 1 Holds a sword and standard.

Mounted Skeletal Minions of Darkhold[]

Catalog Number: 11-942
Sculptor: Chris Atkin

Name Amount Included Note
Mounted Skeleton Trooper (a) 3 Skeletons mounted on skeletal horses with a cutlass held high and a shield to their back
Mounted Skeleton Trooper (b) 2 Skeletons mounted on skeletal horses with cutlasses held back in preparation to slash and shields held forward to defend against attack
Mounted Skeleton Leader 1
Mounted Skeleton Standard bearer 1

Ogres of Dragonspear[]

Catalog Number: 11-952
Sculptor: Chris Atkin

Name Amount Included Note
Ogre Leader 1
Ogre Spearmen 4 All wearing plate mail, wielding clubs and spears
Ogre Standard bearer 1

Orc Bowmen of the Desertmouth Mountain[]

Catalog Number: 11-971
Sculptor: Dave Summers

Name Amount Included Note
Orc Archer 11
Orc Leader 1
Orc Standard bearer 1

Orc Regulars of the Desertmouth Mountain[]

Catalog Number: 11-970
Sculptor: Dave Summers

Name Amount Included Note
Orc Infantry 11
Orc Leader 1
Orc Standard bearer 1

Peasant Levy[]

Catalog Number: 11-905
Sculptor: Chris Atkin

Name Amount Included Note
Peasant 12 Half are armed with billhooks, the other with pitchforks
Peasant Leader 1 Armed with a staff

Silver Elf Pikemen of Evereska[]

Catalog Number: 10-922
Sculptor: Chris Atkin

Name Amount Included Note
Silver elf Leader 1
Silver Elf pikeman 11
Silver Elf Standard bearer 1

Skeletal Archer Minions of Darkhold[]

Catalog Number: 11-941
Sculptor: Richard Kerr

Name Amount Included Note
Skeletal Archer - Leader 1 Same sculpt as skeletal archer (a), but adorned with a feathered cap
Skeletal Archer (a) 5 Skeleton wearing a hip-quiver and armed with a bow aimed downward
Skeletal Archer (b) 6 Skeleton wielding a bow in a firing stance, their other arm drawn back
Skeletal Standard bearer 1

Skeletal Regular Minions of Darkhold[]

Catalog Number: 11-940
Sculptor: Richard Kerr

Name Amount Included Note
Skeleton Leader 1 More armored skeleton wielding a sword and shield
Skeleton Minion (a) 5 Skeletons armed with maces and shields
Skeleton Minion (b) 1 Same sculpt as (a), but armed with an axe
5 Skeletons armed with spears and shields
Skeleton Standard bearer 1

Villains of the Forgotten Realms[]

Catalog Number: 11-955
Sculptors: Jeff Wilhelm, Jim Johnson, and Dave Summers

Name Amount Included Note
Beholder 1
Mindflayer 2 Two distinct sculpts
Vampire lord 1 Carrying a mace
Vampire lord (mounted) 1 Mounted on horseback and carrying a mace

War Elephant[]

Catalog Number: 11-907
Sculptor: Chris Atkin

Name Amount Included Note
Archer 1
Mahout 1
War elephant 1 Comes with a howdah on its back

Windriders Mercenary Company[]

Catalog Number: 11-990
Sculptor: Chris Atkin

Name Amount Included Note
Windriders 3 Members of the Windriders mercenary company mounted on griffons

Wolf Riders of the Goblin Marches[]

Catalog Number: 11-973
Sculptor: Dave Summers

Name Amount Included Note
Goblin Wolf Rider 5 All are mounted on the back of a wolf and aiming a bow
Goblin Wolf Rider - Leader 1 Mounted on the back of a wolf in a running stance and wielding a scythe(?)
Goblin Wolf Rider - Standard bearer 1


See Also[]


  1. The units that were allowed to be fielded at the Gen Con 96' Living City event included the following: Cormyr Lancers of the Eastern March (25k gp), Cormyr Militia (2000 gp), Cormyr Swordsmen (7500 gp), Elf Foresters (15k gp), Elf Horse Archers (30k gp), Lances of Cormyr Mounted Knights (50k gp), Elven Noble Archers of Evereska (20k gp), Iron Dwarven Axemen of Tethyamir (15k gp), Iron Dwarven Regulars of Tethyamir (10k), Longbowmen of Cormyr (15k gp), Peasant Levy (100 gp), Silver Elf Pikemen of Evereska (15k gp), and Tethyamir Crossbowmen (15k gp).


External Links[]

Disclaimer: The views expressed in the following links do not necessarily represent the views of the editors of this wiki, nor does any lore presented necessarily adhere to established canon.


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 Ral Partha AD&D Miniatures. (2009). Retrieved on 11-30-2023.
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 Shannon Appelcline (2016-06-30). The Tiny Origin of D&D (Web). In John Houlihan, Christopher Perkins eds. Dragon+ #8. Wizards of the Coast. Archived from the original on 2020-10-07. Retrieved on 2023-11-29.
  3. James Ward (July 1988). “Game Wizards: Readers speak out on Greyhawk Adventures”. In Roger E. Moore ed. Dragon #135 (TSR, Inc.), p. 30.
  4. James Ward (September 1993). “Think Big - in Miniature!”. In Roger E. Moore ed. Dragon #197 (TSR, Inc.), p. 15.
  5. Scott Douglas ed. (June 1996). “Citizens of Ravens Bluff: The Lord Mayor Needs You!”. Polyhedron #120 (TSR, Inc.), p. 30.