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Riku Suzumoto

From Fire Emblem Wiki, your source on Fire Emblem information. By fans, for fans.

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Riku Suzumoto

File:TMSFE Riku Suzumoto.png
Official image of Riku Suzumoto.







Starting class

Dark Knight

Voiced by

Michiko Kaiden


Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE

Riku Suzumoto (Japanese: 鈴本 りく Riku Suzumoto) is a side story character appearing in Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE. He appears exclusively in Touma Akagi's side stories.

Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE


In the side story Thrust to the Future, Riku appears at the Toubo Department Store Rooftop, which frequently holds performances of the superhero Raiga on a live stage. Touma is very enthusiastic about the show, but Riku finds his excitement childish. He claims that he was just in the area to kill time, and that heroes and the values they represent cannot exist. Touma wants to cheer the kid up, and blurts out that he will be the hero on the next show - however, he only manages to get a part as a minor villain instead.

In the side story Touma in Leopard Print, Riku, who watched the show on TV, ridicules Touma for lying about the part and getting a lesser role. Touma apologizes and promises to become a hero eventually, but Riku dismisses him, claiming that he can never smile again due to his parents' divorce, his mother's resulting depression, and the bullying he faces at school - he has given up on the world. Touma makes his promise again, but Riku refuses to believe him and leaves.

Touma lands a part as Hyoma Kiba, the civilian identity of Raiga, and performs the role at the live show. Riku attends the show in-person, and appears to be heavily engrossed in it. Touma explains to Itsuki that Riku reminds him of himself at a younger age: his parents ran off due to overwhelming debt, so he was raised by his grandfather, and was bullied for it. However, a hero TV show he watched gave him the courage and happiness he needed - he wanted to become that for Riku.

In the side story The Hero Awakens, Riku is reported missing and is confirmed by the police to have disappeared into the 106 Idolasphere. Itsuki and Touma go to investigate, and Tiki detects a Mirage's presence on the Idolasphere's roof. Just before they arrive, Itsuki receives a Topic that Touma will be late to his hero show audition if he stays - despite this, Touma insists on saving Riku himself, to fulfill the promise he made.

At the roof, they find Riku held hostage by the Mirage Abel, who has been cursed in such a way to magnify his rivalry with Touma's Mirage Cain. Abel insists on settling his and Cain's rivalry, under threat of ending Riku's life. Riku cries out for Raiga to save him, strengthening Touma's resolve, and he accepts Abel's challenge.

After defeating Abel, he is freed from his madness and apologizes for his actions. Chrom offers to have Abel join their cause, but Abel wishes to protect Riku instead. Cain reminds Touma of the audition and uses his motorbike to rush Touma there - he not only makes it in time, but also gets the part.

Some time later at the office, Itsuki and Touma see the latter debut as the hero Ouga on the Masqueraider TV show. Riku, now a Mirage Master with Abel, soon arrives at the office. At Abel's insistence, Riku asks if Touma would teach him how to be a hero.

In a post-credits description, it is revealed that Touma wrote, directed, and starred in his own hero movie, with rising star Riku as his costar. The movie would be acclaimed for its action scenes.


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Choose Your Legends placement history

Round Placement Character Votes
Portrait riku & abel tmsfee cyl.png
Riku & Abel
Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE Encore
Portrait riku & abel tmsfee cyl.png
Riku & Abel
Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE Encore
Portrait riku & abel tmsfee cyl.png
Riku & Abel
Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE Encore
Portrait riku & abel tmsfee cyl.png
Riku & Abel
Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE Encore
Portrait riku & abel tmsfee cyl.png
Riku & Abel
Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE Encore
Total results This character has 6 entries across all Choose Your Legends polls. 435


  • While searching for Riku after his kidnapping, Itsuki and Touma discover one of his shoes. Once they find Riku, the camera is specifically angled to not show either of his feet, as there was not yet an opportunity to return his shoe.

Etymology and other languages

Names, etymology, and in other regions
Language Name Definition, etymology, and notes

Riku Suzumoto

Romanization of his Japanese name


鈴本 りく

Riku Suzumoto. His surname is composed of the elements suzu "bell" and moto "origin or cost"; his given name りく riku means "shore".



Used in the Choose Your Legends polls for Fire Emblem Heroes.



Used in Choose Your Legends.



Used in Choose Your Legends.



Used in Choose Your Legends.



Used in Choose Your Legends.

Traditional Chinese

鈴本 陸

Riku Suzumoto; used in Choose Your Legends.



Tokyo Mirage Sessions ♯FE
Playable characters Eleonora YumizuruItsuki AoiKiria KuronoMamori MinamotoTouma AkagiTsubasa OribeYashiro Tsurugi
Mirages CaedaCainChromDraugNavarreTharjaVirion
Non-playable characters AnnaAyaha OribeAzusa MaekawaBarry GoodmanChikaomi TsurugiChouten SawafujiKuen TarachinoMarthMaiko ShimazakiNiegNobu HorinozawaRiku SuzumotoTikiTikiIsMyWaifuYatsufusa Hatanaka
Bosses AbelAversaBordCervantesCordDolphDraugExcellusGangrelGarrickGharnefGojuinGordinJagenLindeLon'quLorenzM-DEUSMacellanMedeusOgmaPallaPheros
Chapters P: Reincarnation • 1: A Star is Born • 2: Head over Heels for Her • 3: The Next Generation • 4: The Audition • 5: True Colors • 6: Fire EmblemE: The Long Goodbye
Side Stories Tsubasa Meet-and-Greet PressureOpening Your HeartA Wind Colored Tsubasa
Touma Thrust to the FutureTouma in Leopard PrintThe Hero Awakens
Kiria Poker FaceNot a GirlKiria in Wonderland
Eleonora Read, Chat, Fall in LovePrincess of HorrorBlast Away Hollywood
Mamori Steel HeartFortuna Family's SistersGolden Child/Monster
Yashiro The Hungry ManDangerous RelationsFinal Act
Maiko Booze and the BossLost MemoriesGodmother
Barry Only YouTroublesome DuoBarry Forever
Tiki I'll Tiki-Tiki You (For Reals)Coffee and DonutsSleepless in Shibuya
Downloadable Side Stories EXPeditious HunterMasterful HunterSavage Hunter
EX Stories
(Encore only)
Rolling StarWhat About LoveStay Gold
Locations TokyoDaitama ObservatoryIdolasphereFortuna Office (Bloom Palace) • ShibuyaToubo Rooftop
Groups, objects and concepts Fortuna EntertainmentIntermissionMirage MasterMirage (Carnage Form) • PerformaTopic
Gameplay & Mechanics EnemiesEPEquipment (CarnagesAccessoriesCostumes) • ItemsRequestSessionSkills
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