Fire Emblem Wiki
Fire Emblem Wiki

Chapter Quotes[]

The Dawning Prologue: A Chance Encounter[]


  • Leonie: Hey aren't you that merc who helped out Claude and the others? I'm actually gunning to become a mercenary myself—that's why I enrolled at the Officers Academy.
    • Choice 1: Encourage her dreams. (raises support with Leonie)
      • Shez: In that case, I hope we end up working together.
      • Leonie: Hey, thanks! I'll give it all I've got!
    • Choice 2: Rain on her parade.
      • Shez: You sure? This line of work ain't easy—I only got into it because I had no other choice.
      • Leonie: I know the risks and accept them.
  • Leonie: I'm going to work myself to the bone so I can be just as strong as the captain someday!

The Dawning Chapter 2: Three Houses[]

Three Houses/Script

The Dawning Chapter 3: The Battle for the Locket[]

The Battle for the Locket/Script

Golden Wildfire Chapter 4: To War![]

To War!/Script

Certification Exams[]

  • ""
  • ""

Level Up[]


Battle Quotes[]

Minor Battle Start[]

  • ""
  • ""
  • ""
  • ""

Striking Stronghold[]

  • ""

Stronghold Seized[]

  • ""
  • ""

Defeated an Enemy Commander[]

  • ""

Minor Battle Side Mission[]

  • "" (start)
  • "" (failed)

Completed Rescue Mission[]

  • ""

Defeated a Number of Enemies[]

  • ""
  • ""
  • ""

Ally Defeated a Number of Enemies[]

  • ""

In Trouble[]

  • ""

Nearly Routed[]

  • ""

Minor Battle End[]

  • ""


  • ""

Game Over[]

  • "Is this it for us? No..."