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The Fujin Yumi is a Yumi that is introduced in Fire Emblem Fates. The personal Yumi of Takumi, the Fujin Yumi takes on two distinct forms: a bronze form and a normal form. Both forms lessen the effects of terrain penalties on its wielder, and like most standard Yumi, they raise their wielder's Resistance by 2.


The Fujin Yumi was one of five weapons crafted by the Rainbow Sage to be used by humans in order to end the war between the First Dragons. It, alongside Siegfried, Raijinto and Brynhildr, is necessary in order to unlock the full power of the Yato. After the war, the Yumi was passed down through the Hoshidan royal family. Its current wielder is Takumi, the second prince of Hoshido.

Unlike most Bows and Yumis, the Fujin Yumi lacks a bowstring. Instead, the bowstring only manifests when handled by its rightful wielder and the bow creates the arrows it fires as well. According to Takumi's support with his son, Kiragi, the wielder must demonstrate a high level of concentration and will to call the bowstring. Even the slightest drop in focus will cause the string to dissipate.

Kiragi is known to have inherited the ability to arm the Fujin Yumi. In his supports with his father, it is revealed that while he displays the ability to handle the bow, he has yet to fully master its mechanics. This in turn translates to him not being able to wield the bow in-game.

During the Heirs of Fate DLC Xenologues, Kiragi inherits the bow and uses it as his main weapon of choice.

Weapon Stats[]

Fire Emblem Fates[]

Bronze Form[]

Name Type

Fujin Yumi


Rank Uses Mt Hit Crt Avo Rng WEx Worth
E 7 80% 0% 0% 2 ? 0

Takumi only. Raises Critical Evade by +10.
Cannot critical or trigger offensive skills.
Grants ability to lower the movement cost of all traversable terrain to 1 while in inventory.

Normal Form[]

Name Type

Fujin Yumi


Rank Uses Mt Hit Crt Avo Rng WEx Worth
E 14 70% 5% 10% 2 ? 0

Takumi only.
Grants ability to lower the movement cost of all traversable terrain to 1 while in inventory.

Fire Emblem Heroes[]

Fujin Yumi[]

Name Type

Fujin Yumi


Mt Rng SP Rarity
14 2 400

Effective against flying foes. If unit's
HP ≥ 50%, unit can move through foes' spaces.

Name Cost

Fujin Yumi

400 SP, 500, 200
Type HP Mt Spd Def Res
+2 + 1
+2 + 2
+2 + 3
+2 + 3
If unit's HP ≥ 50%, unit can move to
a space adjacent to any ally within 2 spaces.
Effective against flying foes. If unit's
HP ≥ 50%, unit cannot be slowed by terrain.
(Does not apply to impassable terrain.)

Fujin-Raijin Yumi[]

Name Type

Fujin-Raijin Yumi


Mt Rng SP Rarity
14 2 400 ✯✯✯✯✯

[Enables [Canto (1)]

Accelerates Special trigger (cooldown count-1). Effective against flying and armored foes. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 25%, grants Atk/Spd+6 to unit, deals damage with 20% of unit's Spd (Including when dealing damage with a Special before combat). and neutralizes effects that prevents unit's follow-up attacks during combat, and also, if unit has weapon-triangle advantage or unit's Spd > foe's Spd, foe cannot counterattack.

Fire Emblem Warriors[]

Name Type

Fujin Yumi


Rank Mt Worth Slots Seventh Slot
E 30 / 240 / 720 - 6 Wingslayer

Effective against Flying Units.

Item Locations[]

Fire Emblem Fates[]

Method Location
Inventory Takumi
Kiragi (Heirs of Fate only)

Fire Emblem Warriors[]

Method Location
Inventory Takumi


Fuujin, or Fūjin (風神), is the Japanese god of wind and one of the eldest Shinto gods. Fūjin literally means Wind God. Fūjin is commonly associated and depicted in art with Raijin, the namesake of Ryoma's Raijinto. Yumi (弓), read as Kyu, is the Japanese word for "bow".


  • The Fujin Yumi may have been based off the Ame-no-Makakoyumi, a bow that appears in Japanese mythology. Its arrows are very likely based off the Ame-no-Habaya arrows.
  • In Fire Emblem Heroes, Fujin Yumi is one of three weapons to completely replace its original special effect after being refined. Every other weapon either retains its effect, or strengthens it.
  • According to Mikoto in the Drama CD, the Fujin Yumi chose Takumi as its wielder, implying that the weapon has some additional requirement to be wielded.
  • According to Fire Emblem 0 (Cipher)'s twitter account, the Fujin Yumi was once used by Mikoto. It is never mentioned in Fates if she was the wielder of the bow prior to Takumi.
    • Similarly, one of Hinoka's cards depicts her wielding Fujin Yumi after the events of Conquest, though it is never mentioned in Fates proper.
  • The Fujin Yumi, being a bow, is unique among the other four legendary weapons in that it is unable to attack at at close range (though this weakness is negated if the Point Blank skill is equipped).
  • It's highly likely that Skadi is the corrupted form of the Fujin Yumi, used by an Anankos-possessed Takumi during Night Breaks Through, the endgame of Conquest.

