Fire Emblem Wiki


Fire Emblem Wiki
Fire Emblem Wiki

The Flame Lance is a special Lance that first appeared in Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance. Originally wielded by General Petrine of Daein's Four Riders, this lance is, like its name suggests, imbued with the arcane power of fire. The Flame Lance harnesses its wielder's Magic stat instead of Strength in order to determine their damage output. Also, in line with the fact that fire magic is effective against Beast tribe Laguz, this lance is, similarly, imbued with the same property.

Weapon Stats[]

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance[]

Name Type

Flame Lance


Rank Uses Mt Hit Crt Rng Wt WEx Worth
B 25 10 70% 0% 1-2 12 2 7,500

Inflicts Fire-based magical damage; effective against beast Laguz.

Fire Emblem Engage[]

Name Type

Flame Lance


Rank Uses Mt Hit Crt Wt Rng Worth
C 10 75% 0% 16 1-2 3000

A magical lance that can strike close or at range.

Fire Emblem Heroes[]

Name Type

Flame Lance


Mt Rng SP Rarity
16 1 400

Effective against beast foes. Grants Spd+3. At start of combat, if unit's HP ≥ 50%, calculates damage using foe's Res, and inflicts Spd/Res-5 on foe during combat.

Item Location[]

Fire Emblem: Path of Radiance[]

Method Location
Dropped Petrine (Ch. 23)

Fire Emblem Engage[]

Method Location
Inventory Mauvier
Armory After Chapter 20

