Artwork of Edain from Fire Emblem Heroes by Yoshiro Ambe.
Artwork of Edain from Fire Emblem Heroes by Yoshiro Ambe.
Artwork of Edain from Fire Emblem Heroes by Yoshiro Ambe.
Artwork of Edain in Fire Emblem 0 (Cipher) by Mayo.
Artwork of Edain in Fire Emblem 0 (Cipher) by Mayo.
Artwork of Edain in Fire Emblem 0 (Cipher) by Tensha Might-O.
Artwork of Edain in Fire Emblem 0 (Cipher) by Tensha Might-O.
Edain, as she appears in the first series of the TCG as a Level 1 Priest.
Edain, as she appears in the Promotional series of the TCG as a Level 10 Priest.
Edain, as she appears in the Anthology series of the TCG as a Level 15 Priest.
Edain, as she appears in the third series of the TCG as a Level 20 High Priest.
Edain as a High Priest in Fire Emblem 0 (Cipher).
Edain as a Priest in Fire Emblem 0 (Cipher).
Edain as a High Priest in Fire Emblem 0 (Cipher).
Edain as a Priest in Fire Emblem 0 (Cipher).
Edain as a Priest in the One Hundred Songs of Heroes Karuta set.
Character Introductions from the FE4 novelization
Edain and Jamke in the Oosawa manga adaption.
Edain from the Fire Emblem Heroes guide.
Edain from the Fire Emblem Heroes guide.
Edain from the Fire Emblem Heroes guide.
Edain and
Jamke from the
Fire Emblem Heroes guide.
Midir and Edain from the
Fire Emblem Heroes guide.
Dew and Edain from the
Fire Emblem Heroes guide.
Dew and Edain from the Fire Emblem Heroes guide.