Final Fantasy VI (SNES) Walkthrough by Crazyswordsman | ||
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This is part 10 of the Walkthrough for the Super NES version of Final Fantasy VI.
The Battle for the Esper[]
Okay. You'll first see some cutscenes where Banon, along with Terra and Edgar, tries to get the Elder of Narshe to join the Returners. However, he is unsuccessful. Meanwhile, Sabin, Cyan, Gau, Locke, and Celes all arrive, and you'll see some more hilarious cutscenes (including one where Cyan tries to kill Celes). Meanwhile, Kefka and a squadron of Imperial troops decide to raid Narshe to obtain the frozen Esper. The Narshe guards realize this, and tell the Elder that the Imperials are attacking. The elder will ask for everyone's help, and you'll go to a battlefield in the Narshe hills. On the way, you'll see a lot of characters have chit-chat with Celes about random stuff.
You're now in control of just Terra, and there's a Save Point nearby. Save your game, and you'll now have an opportunity to equip everyone for the upcoming battle. Talk to a character and you'll control that character instead. You should take the opportunity to change everyone's equipment. Here is a list of what everyone should have:
- Terra:
- RegalCutlass
- Heavy Shield
- Green Beret or Magus Hat (If you have five or six Green Berets)
- Silk Robe
- Earrings
- Any Relic of your choice
- Put her in the Back Row
- Locke:
- Air Lancet
- Air Lancet or Guardian (hopefully you weren't lazy and tried until you got the second Air Lancet)
- Green Beret
- Iron Armor
- Genji Glove
- Black Belt
- Put him in the Front Row
- Edgar:
- Mithril Pike
- Heavy Shield
- Green Beret
- Iron Armor
- Atlas Armlet
- Any Relic of your choice
- Put him in the Back Row
- Sabin:
- Mithril Claw
- Buckler
- Green Beret
- Ninja Gear
- Earrings
- Any Relic of your choice
- Put him in the Back Row
- Cyan:
- Kotetsu
- Heavy Shield
- Green Beret
- Iron Armor
- Any two Relics of your choice
- Put him in the Back Row
- Gau
- Mithril Shield
- Green Beret
- Kung Fu Suit
- Any two Relics of your choice
- The row he's in depends on the Rage he's using, but I just recommend keeping him up front.
- Celes:
- RegalCutlass
- Heavy Shield
- Green Beret or Magus Hat (If you have five Green Berets)
- Silk Robe
- Ribbon
- Any Relic of your choice
- Put her in the Back Row for now.
After equipping everyone, talk to Banon. You'll now have to make three teams out of your seven party members. But how to organize them? This is up to you really. First of all, I recommend you put Celes and not Terra in the team you want to use to fight Kefka. This is probably the only time in the game I recommend Celes over Terra, as normally I am a Terra fan, but not for this battle. Edgar, Sabin, and Gau are your best bets for MT attacks, so you may want to put one in each team. (Edgar has his AutoCrossbow and, for certain battles, his NoiseBlaster and Bio Blaster, Sabin has his Fire Dance, and Gau's Pterodon and Marshal Rages do some great MT damage). But since Gau also has Stray Cat, I recommend using him in the team you want to use to face Kefka.
Locke should be on the team you want to use to face the enemy immediately before Kefka because he has a worthwhile item to Steal. His Genji Glove setup is also great for the fight with Kefka, so I suggest making your Kefka team have Locke, Gau, and Celes. As for your other two teams, those are up to you. Just make sure Edgar and Sabin are on different teams. Whichever team has Cyan on it will be the team you don't want to use, as Cyan sucks. The team with Terra in it will be one of your major teams for fighting off the first wave of green soldiers, along with your main team. I'd recommend putting Edgar in Terra's team and leaving Sabin with Cyan.
The object of this fight is to protect Banon. Do NOT let the soldiers get to Banon or it will be a game over.
The green soldiers have a 3/4 chance of you fighting four Troopers, and a 1/4 chance of you fighting a Bounty Man and a pair of Troopers. The brown soldiers have a 3/4 chance of you fighting a Fidor and a Trooper, and a 1/4 chance of a pair of Troopers and a HeavyArmor. Against the four Trooper fight, have Edgar use his NoiseBlaster followed by his Bio Blaster (they're weak to Poison), and, if you're using the main group, have Gau use either the Marshal Rage (for Wind Slash, which is his most powerful MT attack) or the Trilium Rage (which casts Bio, which hits a weakness). Don't use your Fight command against the Troopers, as they can counter with a powerful Swing attack. Since Locke has no other way of doing damage, just Steal from them. You can get a rare MithrilBlade, which is nice because it's some Throwing ammunition. Terra and Celes should be on guard in these fights and cast Cure when HP is low. In fights where Fidors are involved, Locke should try and take them down first, as they can use Pounce when left alone, and they have the most HP, and Locke has the Genji Glove, so go figure. Gau should use Stray Cat or Templar in these fights, and Terra should use Fire spells. As for the HeavyArmor, they are dangerous as they can use TekBarrier if you're fighting with Celes' party. This puts Safe and Reflect on it and the Troopers. In this case, you'll want to have Gau use Marshal because Wind Slash, although it doesn't hit a weakness, passes through Reflect. Edgar should just use his AutoCrossbow, and Terra can still use spells against it.
If you want a complete Rage List, you'll have to fight all four groups of enemies.
The Rider looks cool, doesn't he?
Once Locke's party gets to the bottom, have them fight the soldier running back and forth. This is a Rider. Have Locke Steal immediately, as you can get a Mithril Vest from it, which is better than everything you have at this point except the Ninja Gear. Give it to Gau for now, as he is stuck with the lowly Kung Fu Suit. It will counter the steal with SilverPike, which is a massive physical attack, so have Celes cast Cure afterwards. It can also use Virite every four turns, which Poisons the entire party. Finally, it counters all physicals with R. Polarity, which changes the row of a character. Against it, have Locke and Celes use their physicals, and Gau use the Templar Rage for Fire 2 and auto-Safe. Alternatively, you could have him use Rhodox, which has Snare, which may instantly kill the Rider. But if he dies this way, you won't be able to win his Remedy.

Time to kick the clown's ass!
Now, it's time to face Kefka. Make sure everyone is in the Front Row for this fight. Also, you may want to equip characters with Star Pendants or a Barrier Ring. Finally, make sure you unequip Terra before this fight. Kefka's physical is rare and weak, so being in the Back Row won't help so much. Locke can Steal an Ether from him, so try and do that. Celes should be on constant Runic standby the entire fight. As for Gau, he has some options here. Stray Cat will yield the best damage output with Catscratch, but Kefka is vulnerable to the Stop status, which the Areneid's Numb can do. Kefka attacks using magic almost all the time, and he knows some pretty dangerous stuff. He uses Poison to, well, Poison your characters, and he also has Muddle, which is very dangerous. He can also cast Ice and Ice 2, and the latter of these will deal enough damage to kill a character if Runic doesn't absorb it (Kefka can double turn you on occasion). Hopefully you'll keep it up, and Kefka will run away and you'll claim your Peace Ring as a reward.
After the fight, you'll see a cutscene near the frozen Esper, and Terra will transform into an Esper herself and fly away. After some cutscenes, you'll be able to continue your journey.
Final Fantasy VI (SNES) Walkthrough by Crazyswordsman | ||
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