Final Fantasy Wiki
  • Age: 16
  • Gender: Male
  • Hair Color: Dark blond
  • Eye Color: Light brown
  • Height: 5’7”
  • Weight: 152 lbs.
  • Attire: Varies, always obscures his barcode. Always has a device affixed to his ear, resembling a blue-tooth head-set. Detachable amber shades that install into the device provide visible data with a fiber-optic screen (HUD).
  • Ability: Regenerative capabilities (exclusively applies to the nervous system). Integration with electronics as expansion on this. His Interface (above device) is capable of connecting to anything not completely run by hard line. Any stray airborne signal is a weakness that can be exploited (Cyberpathy, non-primary).
  • Weapon: Telescoping club and a stolen firearms (variable). Not technically weapons, he does carry a cutting-torch, wire cutters and a number of other tools for physically reaching hard lines.
  • Code number: #267
  • Location of barcode: Left shoulder blade
  • Bio: Was taken at a very early age and has no memories of life before the Lab.

When the experimental procedure was administered to him, he showed no early sign of any change. However, during a training simulation, a miss-hap with a flash-bang resulted in his right ear drum rupturing, causing complete deafness in that ear. To correct this, a surgery was done, and a cochlear device was implanted. When his recovery went surprisingly quickly, a series of tests proved that he could and did adapt on a neurological level. A number of surgeries later; the old implant was replaced by a much more advanced device. He is intended to be a part of a logistics and espionage team.

Cold and calculating, he is very serious and mission oriented. He is not without a softer side, though. He holds out hope that his family is looking for him and spends much of his free time searching the internet for his own case.

Has significantly higher than normal combat training. This is in part because, with the lack of a visible gift, he was planned for a place in the Silver Sentries.