Final Fantasy Wiki
Final Fantasy Wiki

Even if I am purest manifestation of Evil,doesn't mean I don't have heart...

Name Masamune X
A.K.A Jack
Job Class Dark knight/Ninja
Hometown Lufenia
Date of Birth 10.10.200X
Abilities Souleater,Dual-wield
Height 193 cm
IQ 159
Weapon Deathbringer,Masamune
Spells Shadow flare, Flare star, Death, Doom, Banish, Saber, Berserk, Vanish, Doomsday, Meteor, Scathe, Destroy
Summons Ark, Zalera, Zodiark, Anima, Diablos, Atomos, Zombie
Limit break Eternal banishment


Darkness can be massive source of strenght...


...But shadows are great defence!

Job?! Risks?! You're a mass-murdering psycho!!!

Red Mage Statscowski, 8-bit Theater

Why do people rebuild things they know are going to be destroyed. Why do people cling to life when they know they can't live forever?

Kefka Palazzo, Final Fantasy VI

About Me[]

How could I describe me. Hmm... Well I am quite big Final fantasy fan, and my favorite final fantasy games are VI and IX FF VII rules!. I also like FPS and platformer games. I live in Finland. There is small town where I live, but there is nothing to write about it. I also have YouTube channel right here => [1]

Characters that I like and don't like[]

Okay here is a little list about my favourite FF characters. Three best are Mog, Vivi and Gilgamesh.Next comes Aeris,Tifa,Terra,Squall,Kefka,Vincent,Auron and Red XIII (Sephiroth).And then there are those characters i just can't stand. These include Kuja,Rikku,Yuffie,Cait Sith,Tidus,Porom and Palom,Bartz,Gau,Selphie,Eiko,Vaan(WHY DOES HE HAVE TO APPEAR IN DISSIDIA 012, WHY!?!) and Penelo. Oh, one last thing. These are MY oppinion of FF characters,so please don't start yelling at me. I understand that you may disagree with me, but I hope you can appreciate my oppinion as much as I appreciate yours. That is all.

May I ask you a question?[]

FFT-enemy-RedDragon This user is a WikiDragon.
FF6 Gogo Sprite iOS Is this user a woman? Or a man? Or should we ask?
biling This user is bilingual and can speak 2 or more languages fluently.
User scorpio This user is a Scorpio.
MMO This user has completed the main series except for XI and XIV.
D This user has completed Dissidia Final Fantasy.
FFVIThis user is a fan of Final Fantasy VI.
FFIXThis user is a fan of Final Fantasy IX.
X2This user Hated Final Fantasy X-2.
Likes FF way too much This user most definitely likes
Final Fantasy WAY too much