Final Fantasy Wiki
Final Fantasy Wiki
Maester Napoleon
Age 15 years old
Height 5 feet
Eye color Varies between Blue and Green, depending on lighting
Hair color Blonde
Laterality Right handed
Home St. Albans, Hertfordshire
Weapon(s) Sharp Stick
Job type(s) Student
Special skill(s) Getting to the toilet on time
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Userb male This user is a male.

en This user is a native speaker of English.
en-3 This user is able to contribute with an advanced level of English.

User cancer This user is a Cancerian.
Userb windcrystal This user is of the Wind element.

FFTA-exodus This user loves the Vieras.
Tonberry This user believes in karma.

FFTA-malboroG This user may suffer from bad breath.
Userbox bluchocobo This user is so cool, s/he actually turned blue!

Userb faerie This user is a WikiFairy.


Warrior-ff1-gba This user is a Warrior.

FFTA montblanc You are you, this user is this user, Kupo.
FFTA judgecid This user upholds the law.


FFIThis user has completed Final Fantasy.
FFIThis user is a fan of Final Fantasy.

FFXThis user has completed Final Fantasy X.
FFXThis user is a fan of Final Fantasy X.

X2This user has completed Final Fantasy X-2.
X2This user Hated Final Fantasy X-2.

FFTThis user has completed Final Fantasy Tactics.
FFTThis user is a fan of Final Fantasy Tactics.

FFTAThis user has completed Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.
FFTAThis user is a fan of Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.