Final Fantasy Wiki
Final Fantasy Wiki
Dickens Greentree Windshot
An agile ranger of the woods, who has earth powers. He has a really good accuracy and can understand animals.
Race Human
Home Forest
Weapon(s) Great wood bow with infinite arrows
Job type(s) Ranger / Hunter / Archer / Sniper
Special skil Create different types of arrows
Limit break A big and exploding arrow

Best of Final Fantasy[]


Category Best Second Best Third Best Worst
Game Final Fantasy X Final Fantasy XII Final Fantasy TA Final Fantasy II
Story Final Fantasy X Final Fantasy VI Final Fantasy XII Final Fantasy II
Graphical Style Final Fantasy XII Final Fantasy X Final Fantasy VI Final Fantasy I
Soundtrack Final Fantasy VI Final Fantasy X Final Fantasy XII Final Fantasy X-2
Cast Final Fantasy VI Final Fantasy X Final Fantasy XII Final Fantasy V
World Final Fantasy XII Final Fantasy X Final Fantasy VI Final Fantasy I
Monsters Final Fantasy XII Final Fantasy X Final Fantasy VI Final Fantasy I
Final Dungeon Final Fantasy X Final Fantasy XII Final Fantasy X-2 Final Fantasy TA
Final Battle Final Fantasy X Final Fantasy XII Final Fantasy X-2 Final Fantasy IV
Battle system Final Fantasy XII Final Fantasy TA Final Fantasy X Final Fantasy II
Level Up System Final Fantasy X Final Fantasy XII Final Fantasy TA Final Fantasy II
Skill System Final Fantasy IV Final Fantasy XII Final Fantasy X Final Fantasy II
Limit Break Final Fantasy XII Final Fantasy TA Final Fantasy X Final Fantasy VI
Userb male This user is a male.
User cancer This user is a Cancerian.
Userb earthcrystal This user is of the Earth element.
en-2 This user is able to contribute with an intermediate level of English.
45px-IE11_logo.png This user prefers Internet Explorer.

Userbox ff6chocobo This user prefers saying Kweh.
FFTA-exodus This user loves the Vieras.
FFIThis user has completed Final Fantasy.
FFIIThis user has completed Final Fantasy II.
FFIVThis user has completed Final Fantasy IV.
FFVIThis user has completed Final Fantasy VI.
FFXThis user has completed Final Fantasy X.
X2This user has completed Final Fantasy X-2.
FFXIIThis user has completed Final Fantasy XII.
FFTAThis user has completed Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.
FFTA2This user has completed Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift.
FFI PSP Garland Map This user shall knock you all down!
FF4PSP-GolbezSprite This user did not come to treat with worms!
Exdeath-ffv-ios-portrait Simple-minded fools such as yourselves could never hope to understand this user's motives.
Kefkapoints Life...dreams...hope...these things, this user is going to DESTROY!
Sephiroth icon This user is an Heir to the Planet.
Edeamenu This user would enslave you in the name of the Sorceress.
Userbox ffX-seymour This user robs the cradle.
Userbox ffX-jecht This user thinks you got tall, but you're all bones.
Leblanc face It'll be a thousand years before you can beat this user.
Shuyin face Don't try to tell this user you understand.
FFTA-ligrim This user represents all of the wishes in the world.
FFTA2-IlluaSprite This user is the hero of the tale, after all. A story needs only one.
Userbox-DChaos This user is the god of discord.


Category Best Second Best Third Best Worst
Male Protagonist Tidus Cecil Marche Vaan
Female Protagonist Yuna Lightning Ashe Lenna
Male Supporting Character Auron Balthier Kain Umaro
Female Supporting Character Lulu Fang Sazh Penelo
Female Love Interest Yuna Ashe Rydia Rosa
Female Bubbly Ditz Rikku Relm Vanille Penelo
Temporary Player Character Seymour Larsa Leo Reddas
Villain Kefka Seymour Vayne Emperor
Minor Villain Ultros Nabaat Leblanc Kinoc
Recurring Boss Seymour Ultros Leblanc Syndicate Siegfried
I Character Warrior Black Mage Red Mage Monk
II Character Leon Ricard Leila Guy
III Character - - - -
IV Character Kain Rydia Cecil Edward
V Character Galuf Faris Bartz Lenna
VI Character Edgar Sabin Cyan Umaro
VII Character Yuffie Vicent Tifa Cait Sith
VIII Character - - - -
IX Character - - - -
X Character Lulu Yuna Auron Wakka
X-2 Character Paine Rikku Yuna -
XI Character - - - -
XII Character Balthier Fran Basch Penelo
XIII Character Lightning Fang Sazh Snow
RW Character Balthier Fran Basch Penelo
T Character - - - -
TA Character Shara Ritz Montblanc Ezel
TA2 Character Luso Al-Cid Adelle Penelo


Category Best Second Best Third Best Worst
Warrior Lightning Basch Tidus Firion
Thief Locke Rikku Vaan Zidane
Paladin Cecil Frimelda Leo -
Black Mage Lulu Rydia Palom Kytes
White Mage Yuna Porom Banon Rosa
Summoner Seymour Yuna Rydia -
Blue Mage Strago Kimahri Galuf Gau
Ninja Edge Galuf Yuffie Shadow
Samurai Auron Cyan - -
Gunner Balthier Sazh Vincent Barret
Archer Fran Shara Hope Maria
Dragoon Kain Fang Cid Kimahri
Monk Sabin Yang Snow Tifa
Gambler Setzer Wakka Selphie Cait Sith
Dancer Mog - - Penelo

My Personal Userboxes[]

These are my userboxes. I decided to create them because there are no userboxes about archer things and I wanna create more about some characters, places or organizations. You can use them! :]

TA2-HumeArcherThis is user is an Archer, he/she doesn't feel alone as long as he/she has his/her bow.
Ffta-h-hunterThis is user has an excellent accuracy and can wield bows without difficulty.

BanonThis user is a member of the Returners, and is against the Gestahlian Empire.
Gestahl (Final Fantasy VI)This user is a member of the Gestahlian Empire, and is against the Returners.