Final Fantasy Wiki
Final Fantasy Wiki

Sir Coqarion[]

 High-School student who's crazy about the "Final Fantasy"-series.
I've played many other Squaresofts and -enixs games but these final fantasies
just hit the spot all the time no matter how many times I play them through.

Game boxes[]

FFIXThis user has completed Final Fantasy IX.
FFXThis user has completed Final Fantasy X.
This user plays Kingdom Hearts.
FFVIIIThis user has completed Final Fantasy VIII.
VIIDoCThis user has completed Dirge of Cerberus -Final Fantasy VII-.
FFTAThis user has completed Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.
FFXIIThis user has completed Final Fantasy XII.
X-2 This user Hated, hates and will always HATE Final Fantasy X-2.
FFXThis user has completed Final Fantasy X.
Dissidia Kuja This user loves Kuja.
FFXThis user has completed Final Fantasy X.
Dissidia Squall This user thinks Squall is a god.