Trance (トランス, Toransu?) is a recurring ability in the Final Fantasy series that transforms the user into an empowered state for a short time. The effects vary between games but include increasing the user's stats, healing their HP, and granting them new attacks. Trance is sometimes depicted as a type of Limit Break.
The transformation is most commonly depicted in association with Final Fantasy VI and Final Fantasy IX, but not always.
Final Fantasy VI[]
Trance is Terra's special ability, that transforms her into an Esper, increasing her stats while transformed.
Final Fantasy IX[]
Trance is the Limit Break system. Upon a user's Trance Gauge filling in battle, they enter Trance status, granting them benefits that vary depending on the user.
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy[]
Trance is Terra's exclusive skill, learned at Level 40. During Battle Music Sequences, after the player the player chains 30 notes, Trance activates and triples the power of Terra's magic skills for the rest of the BMS.
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call[]
Trance is an exclusive reactive ability that costs 18 CP to equip. It is activated just once in Battle Music Sequences (BMS) when the player make a chain of 30 hits. It triples effects of magic-type abilities for equipped character. It is learned by Terra (level 40).
Dissidia Final Fantasy (2008) and Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy[]
Trance appears as the EX Mode for Terra, Zidane, and Kuja, transforming them into their Trance forms from their original games.
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT[]
Terra and Zidane transform into their Trance forms as their respective exclusive EX Skills. Kuja's EX Skill "Discarnate Chorus" transforms him into his Trance form upon its third usage.
Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia[]

Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

Pictlogica Final Fantasy ≒[]

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

Terra in Trance.
Trance is recreated as the effects of Legend Materia accessible by Terra and several Final Fantasy IX characters. Trance also functions as a catch-all fan term for all Legend Materia with similar effects in the game. Upon a character with a "Trance" Legend Materia being reduced to critical health, they will enter Trance mode, fully restoring their HP, increasing their stats, and granting other benefits depending on the character. Trance only triggers once per battle and lasts thirty seconds.
Final Fantasy Explorers[]
Trance is a mechanic that allows the player to change into an empowered state for a period of time, and under certain conditions will turn them into other Final Fantasy characters.
Final Fantasy Trading Card Game[]
Trance is the ability of Terra's TCG card. For the cost of two Ice CP and the discard of another Terra card, Trance grants Terra +3000 power and the Pre-Emptive Strike ability.
Trance denotes a variety of processes, ecstasy, techniques, modalities and states of mind, awareness and consciousness. In general, it simply means 'idle and motionlessly resting' or 'mesmerized'.