The Girl from Oerba is a Lost Chapter in Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia where Vanille from Final Fantasy XIII can be added to Mog's group of warriors.
See also: /Event
Story cutscenes[]
Spoiler warning: Plot and/or ending details follow. (Skip section)
Forest of the Lost:
- Mog: Kupo?
- Y'shtola: Aye, how peculiar.
- Sazh: Something the matter? I thought we were almost out of here.
- Y'shtola: We would be if this were a normal forest.
- Tifa: Wait, are you saying it's not?
- Mog: It's almost like we're trapped inside, kupo.
- Hope: We're trapped? You mean we can't leave!?
- Y'shtola: Rather, we are not allowed to leave.
- Sazh: I'm not followin' you.
- Tifa: You mean someone intentionally trapped us in here?
- Y'shtola: Or perhaps "something." Escaping may prove to be quite arduous.
- ???: Help!
- Mog: Someone's in trouble, kupo!
- Hope: That voice! Is that—!?
(Hope runs off)
- Sazh: Hope! *Sigh* Can't take your eyes off him for a second.
- Tifa: C'mon, we have to go after him!
Damsel in Distress:
- Warrior of Light: It appears that was the last of them.
- ???: Thank you.
- ???: I mean, you're not one of the bad guys...right?
- Warrior of Light: We bear no animosity toward those who wish us no harm.
- Warrior of Light: Are you hurt?
- ???: I'm fine. That was a close one! By the way...who are you guys?
- Hope: It looks like there aren't any more monsters here. Vanille, are you okay?
- Sazh: Man, kids these days think they'e invincible. Glad you're okay though.
- Vanille: Hope! Sazh!
- Mog: You're friends? Introduce us, kupo!
- Hope: She's a friend from back home.
- Vanille: I'm Vanille. Nice to meet you.
- Vanille: So...where are we?
- Mog: Come on, I'll explain on the way, kupo!
- Vanille: Wait... Do you mean I can come with you?
- Warrior of Light: It is far too dangerous for you to travel alone. You may accompany us until we reach a safe—
- Mog: You also bear the light, kupo! You should come with us!
- Vanille: The light? Hold on. Is that a moogle?
- Sazh: What can I say? You've missed out on a lot. But for now, we could really use your help.
- Vanille: Really? Count me in.
- Mog: You can trust me, kupo!
- Vanille: A friend of Sazh and Hope's is a friend of mine.
- Y'shtola: What a peculiar girl.
- Sazh: For real? What's so weird about trusting others?
- Y'shtola: I do not think it a bad thing.
- Y'shtola: In any event, the force preventing us from leaving the forest has weakened.
- Vanille: We're leaving already? But there are still areas I haven't checked out yet.
- Vanille: This forest is huge! Who knows what wonderful treasures await us? Besides, I feel like something's calling me!
- Sazh: And if we get lost? Then what? Listen, we need to regroup and— Aw, forget it. You've already made up your mind.
- Vanille: I knew you'd understand, Sazh. All right then, let the treasure hunt begin!
No One Knows:
- Vanille: Hey, so... Is someone going to tell me where we are yet?
- Cecil: We still owe you an explanation, don't we?
- Mog: Oh yeah, kupo! Allow me to explain.
- Mog: This is an illusionary world created by the gods, but it's being corrupted by the Torsions.
- Mog: That's why I'm on a journey to make friends with those who are blessed with the light to save it.
- Cecil: Those Torsions threaten to erode each of our worlds as well.
- Mog: Exactly! Which is why this is such an important journey for us all, kupo!
- Vanille: I get that something has to be done...
- Vanille: But why would such powerful gods need our help to fix things?
- Yuna: Now that you mention it... If our worlds really are in trouble, why would we need to come here to save them?
- Mog: Because the gods aren't all-powerful and in control of everything, kupo.
- Mog: Besides, it's not like they created this world to be destroyed. They made it for a reason.
- Mog: That's why we desperately need your help to save it, kupo.
- Vanille: Hm... Alright then.
- Mog: Does it make sense now, kupo?
- Vanille: Nope! But at least I'm certain it doesn't make sense now.
- Mog: Kupo...
- Yuna: For now, I guess all we can do is focus on what's in front of us. We have to seal the Torsions.
- Vivi: Yeah, we don't have any other choice if we want to protect our homes.
- Vanille: Huh... So that's what this is all about.
- Mog: Yep! So there's no time to waste, kupo!
- Vanille: ...Okay, ready to go then?
(Everyone leaves, except Vanille)
- Vivi: Let's be careful we don't get lost.
- Cecil: Mog, lead the way, if you could.
- Yuna: We're counting on you.
- Mog: Kupo!? R-right this way.
- Vanille: Things don't always go as planned...even for gods, huh?
- Vanille: I know the feeling.
- Vanille: ...I really hope there's some way I can help save this world.
A Bustling Place:
- Yda: Hrm. This forest truly is confounding.
- Vanille: But you sound like you might know where we are!
- Yda: Well, I could bring us back to whence we started. I've trekked through a wood or two in my day.
- Yuffie: What a relief. I'd hate to get stuck here forever.
- Rem: Are you okay? You can wait outside the forest if you're worried about getting lost.
- Yuffie: And let you hog all the treasure? Not a chance.
- Vanille: Treasure?
- Yuffie: The treasure you told us about! You said it was callin' you.
- Vanille: Oh yeah... I guess I did say something like that.
- Yuffie: Must be something amazing for you to feel it calling you from so far away.
- Rem: I just hope it's nothing dangerous.
- Vanille: Well, uh... Let's hope for the best!
- Yuffie: C'mon, have some faith! You're the one who brought it up, after all.
- Vanille: Well, it's true I feel like something's calling me.
- Yda: Perhaps that something is why we couldn't leave the forest earlier.
- Vanille: I guess we'll soon find out.
- Yda: That we will! Whatever it is, I just hope it's not alive!
- Rem: You two are starting to scare me.
- Yuffie: Yeah, maybe I will go back and wait.
- Vanille: Come on, we've come this far. Let's see this through together.
- Yuffie: Y-you're just trying to trick me into taking point, aren't you!
(Everyone leaves, while Y'shtola joins Edge in observing)
- Y'shtola: Everyone has become rather comfortable around each other, haven't they?
- Edge: You won't hear me complain.
- Y'shtola: Why don't you join them?
- Edge: Sometimes it's nice to just sit back and enjoy the view.
- Edge: Gotta let the ladies have their fun, you know?
(Edge leaves)
- Y'shtola: ...Aren't we the noble one?
The Blessings of the Forest:
- Rem: This pendant's drawing in mana. Maybe this was what trapped us in the forest?
- Vivi: It's kind of creepy. I don't like it.
- Rem: Yeah, we should probably leave it alone.
- Vanille: What are you two whispering about? Hey, check it out!
(Vanille picks up the pendant)
- Vanille: So? How does it look?
- Vivi: What are you doing!?
- Vanille: What do you mean?
- Rem: Huh? What happened to the dark aura?
- Vivi: It's gone... But why?
- Vanille: "Dark aura"? What are you talking about? It's just a cute pendant. See?
- Mog: They say some items in this world choose their owner. It looks like that one has taken a liking to you, kupo.
- Sazh: Or maybe you scared off the "dark aura" with your rainbows-and-sunshine attitude.
- Vanille: Sazh, maybe it's your turn to wear this pendant. Let's see how the dark aura likes you!
- Sazh: Okay, okay! You win. You know magic and I don't get along.
- Y'shtola: Not a terribly adventurous spirit, I see.
- Sazh: You can't afford to take any chances at my age.
- Vanille: You take chances all the time though. Especially when it involves your family.
- Sazh: Guess we're not that different then, huh?
- Vanille: Yeah... I wonder how everyone's doing back home.
- Rem: Well, you were reunited with Sazh and Hope in this world.
- Rem: Who knows? Maybe it won't be long before you see your family again, too.
- Y'shtola: Aye, now is not the time for sorrow.
- Vanille: Was it that obvious? You're right. I shouldn't worry.
- Vivi: Besides, you have us now. We're here for you.
- Vanille: Thank you so much! I'm looking forward to getting to know you all.
Spoilers end here.
The Girl from Oerba Pt. 1[]
The Girl from Oerba Pt. 2[]
The Girl from Oerba Pt. 3[]
The Girl from Oerba Pt. 4[]
The Girl from Oerba Pt. 5[]
The Girl from Oerba Pt. 6[]
The Girl from Oerba Pt. 7[]
The Girl from Oerba Pt. 8[]
The Girl from Oerba Pt. 9[]
The Girl from Oerba Pt. 10[]
The Girl from Oerba Pt. 11[]
Musical themes[]
- "Archylte Steppe" - Taken directly from the eponymous location in Final Fantasy XIII. It serves as the main field theme for The Girl from Oerba.
- "Blinded by Light -arrange- from Final Fantasy XIII" - A rearrangement of the main battle theme in Final Fantasy XIII, taken directly from Dissidia 012. It is the theme for regular battles.
- "Saber's Edge -arrange- from Final Fantasy XIII" - A rearrangement of the Boss Battle theme in Final Fantasy XIII, taken directly from Dissidia 012. It is the theme for boss battles.