Final Fantasy Wiki
Final Fantasy Wiki

Summoner command. Summon creatures from the ether.


Summon Magic (召喚魔法, Shōkan Mahō?) is the action ability for the Summoner in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance.


Skill Equipment AP MP Range Power
Unicorn Pure Staff 200 12 4 40
Summons Unicorn to heal HP and status ailments. Deals damage to zombies.
Element: Holy
Ifrit Guard Staff 200 18 4 40
Summons Ifrit to deal fire damage.
Ramuh Judge Staff 200 18 4 40
Summons Ramuh to deal lightning damage.
Shiva Snake Staff 200 18 4 40
Summons Shiva to deal cold damage.
Kirin Cure Staff 200 24 4
Summons Kirin to gradually heal HP.
Carbuncle Garnet Staff 300 12 4
Summons fairy Carbuncle to cast "Reflect."
Phoenix Nirvana Staff 300 24 4
Summon phoenix to revive KO's ally. Deals damage to zombies.
Element: Holy.
Madeen Cheer Staff 300 36 4 52
Summons Madeen to deal holy damage.



Evocation is the act of calling upon or summoning a spirit, demon, god or other supernatural agent, in the Western mystery tradition. Comparable practices exist in many religions and magical traditions and may employ the use of mind-altering substances with and without uttered word formulas.
