Final Fantasy Wiki
FF4PSP Cid Portrait
Cid Pollendina: Oh, shut up and help me remodel the Solace from the Ice page!
Please expand this article into a full one. This request can be discussed on the associated discussion page. Remove this notice upon completion.

Solace from the Ice is the sixth chapter in World of Final Fantasy.


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Ice Region[]

TAMA: Can we stop at the inn before my ears the-freeze off?

Sherlotta's Solace[]

REFIA: Icicle Ridge is due north of the inn.

Icicle Ridge[]

REFIA: We need to cross Icicle Ridge to get to Saronia.

Post-Chapter content unlocked[]

The Coliseum matches
  • Beastly Burden 1
  • Beastly Burden 2
  • Hunters of the Ridge

Theater Mode cutscenes[]

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