Searching for Friends and Bucolic Kalm are quests in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth, taking place in Kalm during Chapter 2, "A New Journey Begins". It has the subquests Maghnata Books and Armed and Dangerous. Cloud Strife awakens in Kalm and searches for the rest of the party around the town to explore.
These quests primarily exist as tutorials to teach the player about field gameplay outside battle, such as exploring towns, visiting shops, and interacting with party members.
Searching for Friends[]
Head out of the room to automatically receive a Queen's Blood card set. This is an optional card game used in a series of side quests, but is not required for the story.
Head downstairs and speak to the innkeeper for a short piece of dialogue. Head outside for some dialogue with Red XIII, who joins the party.
Bucolic Kalm[]
The next section grants total freedom to walk around town. In these sections, when party members are found with speech bubbles above their head, they can be spoken to and relationship mechanics come into play. Choosing certain responses will grow Cloud Strife's relationship with them, which will affect scenes later in the story.
Tifa is found by the water fountain near the inn, Barret is found by heading to the left to a bar named the Rusty Arrow, Red XIII is found southwest near the village gate, and Aerith will be found later on.
While in town, there are other non-player characters with whom Queen's Blood can be played by speaking to them. This will unlock new cards and progress further in the Queen's Blood sidequest arc. The item vendor in town offers Queen's Blood cards for sale, but gil will not yet be available until after leaving Kalm.
Maghnata Books[]
Aerith will be found at the southeast waypoint marker around the Maghnata Books store. The response given here will affect Cloud's relationship mechanics with her, but she will ask Cloud to the clocktower regardless, leading to the next quest.
Meanwhile, the Maghnata Books shopkeeper will describe the concept of using SP to upgrade party member's folios. SP in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth is spent to augment a party member's folio, unlocking new skills, and passive upgrades for them. Orange skill cores unlock new synergy skills or synergy abilities, purple skill cores unlock basic skills, and blue cores provide passive upgrades or attribute boosts. New synergy abilities and skills, in addition to affecting relationship mechanics,
Armed and Dangerous[]

Reaching the waypoint marker for Selvacarsa Weapons leads to some dialogue after which the shopkeeper will describe how to upgrade weapons and unlock skills. Weapon upgrades in Final Fantasy VII Rebirth use a different system to Final Fantasy VII Remake, wherein weapons level up by gaining enough points, granting a flat boost to their attributes but also a number of weapon skills. These are passive boosts to the wielder of the weapon, and lead to slight adjustments in the party member's playstyle based on the weapon equipped.
After the tutorial, the player can shop at the store. However, because gil is not yet available, nothing at this point can be purchased, and the only weapon for sale is Cloud's Sleek Saber for 3,000 gil; the weapon can simply be obtained for free later in the chapter, so this is not necessary.
When both small tasks are done, the next quest, "A Date with Aerith", is available.