The Lamia is an enemy from Final Fantasy IV.
Lamia often hatches from a Mystery Egg. If the player wishes to bypass a fight with a Lamia, they should destroy the Egg before it hatches. Lamia Counters any attack with a Confuse attack, so it is recommended to try and take it out in one blow. If not, the player must attack it, and then attack or heal the party member that was confused to heal them. Break can also take them out, and they are prone to being immobilized by Stop or a Hourglass item.
Lamia was a beautiful Libyan queen who turned into a child-eating demon. She is often referred to as having the lower half of a snake and sometimes a large mouth (lamia in Greek means "large shark", while laimos means gullet).
In Greek mythology,Later characteristics attributed to her are similar to that of succubi, in that the lamia seduces men, enticing them to feed on their blood. It is said they reside in towers or secluded areas and have magical abilities.