Honoi-Gomi is a non-player character in Final Fantasy XI.
He is known as the richest tarutaru of the Federation of Windurst.
Honoi-Gomoi was an old acquaintance of Atarefaunet and his gang of thieves, probably he made his large fortune thanks to his deals with them.
When Atarefaunet, under the fake identity of Louverance, was in Windurst investigating the ancient artifacts of Tavnazia, Honoi-Gomi approached him, to give him back the Mimeo Mirror, an artifact that can manifest memories. He also gave him information about the whereabouts of his enemy, the bounty hunter Goldmane.
When the Chebukki Siblings arrived to Windurst, they started to randomly say that one of the well known trutaru residents of the federation was their birth parent, Honoi-Gomoi being among them. Worried about his reputation for this fake rumors, he hired the adventurer, to prove that those accusations were fake and to avoid that a reporter published an article about it.

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