Gucumatz is an enemy in Final Fantasy X-2. It uses Anacondaur's model from Final Fantasy X.
Gucumatz uses the following attacks:
- Stony Glare: Petrifies one character.
- Heaven's Cataract: damages all characters in a 120 degree angle in front of it. Causes Defense, Magic Defense, Accuracy, Evasion, and Luck levels of all affected characters to decrease by 1. This ability can be learned by the Gun Mage dressphere.
- MP Break (Oversouled): damages the MP of one character.
- Destroy Soft (Oversouled): damages one character and removes one Soft from the inventory. Not used if the player has no Softs or has an Alchemist in the party.
The player should guard against Petrification and make short work of it with Blizzara or Blizzaga.
Creature Creator[]
Fiend Tale[]
One notable Gucumatz was created from the spirit of a Hypello who died hitting her head against a rock and forgot who she was. Having imagined who she was in life, Gucumatz learns of a pool in the Bikanel oasis that can allow fiends to see the forms of their previous lives and is caught off guard by seeing the Hypello she was in life.
Gukumatz is, in K'iche'-Maya mythology, one of the creators of the world (along with Tepeu) and made the men from corn.