Concept artwork for Final Fantasy (above) and Final Fantasy XI (below). Both designs are commonly recurring in the Final Fantasy series.
Goblins (ゴブリン, Goburin?), also known as Imps, are a common race in the Final Fantasy series. They are often antagonistic beastmen, though in some entries goblins have also proven to be civil and industrious. Despite their diminutive size, goblins are sometimes related to giants, and in some games have the Giant enemy type.
The common Goblin, also known as the Imp, Brownie or Goblin Mugger, is a recurring enemy. It is often one of the first enemies encountered, and the weakest member of the goblin race. While weak individually, Goblins often attack in groups or led by stronger members of their race such as the Goblin Guard. It can also occasionally be obtained as a summoned monster, using its signature Goblin Punch or Goblin Rush when summoned.
Final Fantasy[]

The Goblin, also known as the IMP, appears as the only enemy to be found in the area immediately outside Cornelia, and is typically the first enemy encountered by players. It poses little threat and can often be defeated in a single hit by even the weakest party members. It can be found in other early-game locations like the Chaos Shrine and the Pravoka region, and due to encounter mapping oversights can be found throughout the world in unintended areas as the Cornelia encounter set serves as a "default." In pre-Pixel Remaster releases, the Goblin is a giant-type enemy.
Final Fantasy II[]

The Goblin appears as an enemy encountered in the Altair, Fynn, Paloom, and Salamand regions. In pre-Pixel Remaster releases, the Goblin is a giant-type enemy.
Final Fantasy III[]

The Goblin appears as the first enemy encountered in a scripted battle at the start of the game, and as an otherwise rare encounter in the Altar Cave.
Final Fantasy IV[]

The Goblin, also known as the Imp, appears as an enemy encountered in the Baron and Kaipo areas, as well as within the Mist Cave and Antlion's Den. It can also be obtained as a summoned monster for Rydia by using the rare Goblin item, which can be dropped by the Goblin and other Goblin-type enemies.
Final Fantasy IV: The After Years[]
The Goblin returns as both an enemy and summon, though the item can now only be obtained from the Goblin enemy itself.
Final Fantasy IV -Interlude-[]
The Goblin returns as both an enemy and summon, the summon being available to the imposter Rydia.
Final Fantasy V[]

The Goblin appears as the first enemy encountered in a scripted battle at the start of the game. It can otherwise be encountered in the Castle Tycoon and Tule regions.
Final Fantasy: Legend of the Crystals[]

Final Fantasy VII[]

The Goblin appears as a rare enemy that can only be encountered on Goblin Island, a small island accessible only by airship. While weak for the point they are encountered, they are valuable enemies as the only source of the Zeio Nut needed to breed a Gold Chocobo and the Goblin Punch enemy skill.
Before Crisis -Final Fantasy VII-[]

Final Fantasy VII Rebirth[]
A friendly Goblin named Kid G appears in the Corel region as a guardian of several pieces of a Protorelic.
Final Fantasy IX[]

The Goblin appears as a weak enemy encountered in the Evil Forest and the surrounding region.
Final Fantasy XI[]

Goblins appear as one of the races of beastmen. They are nomadic creatures whose flexible lifestyle and adaptability allow them to coexist with other beastmen and even the Enlightened Races, though goblins are still among the most common enemies in Vana'diel. One notable subgroup of goblin are the moblins, who eschew their nomadic lifestyle for a capital city near Bastok called Newton Movalpolos.
Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings[]

The Goblin appears as the rank I Earth-elemental melee esper.
Final Fantasy XIII[]

Goblins are a family of feral creatures encountered on Gran Pulse. They attack in groups and can use Rise to Power to transform into a stronger variant. Unlike other releases, the common Goblin is not the weakest of its kind, being stronger than the Munchkin. The common Goblin can be found in the Archylte Steppe, the Faultwarrens, and Taejin's Tower, and transforms into the Goblin Chieftain when it uses Rise to Power.
Final Fantasy XIII-2[]
The Goblin returns as an enemy encountered on the Archylte Steppe. It can also be recruited to the Paradigm Pack as a Commando.
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII[]
The Goblin returns as the only enemy of its type, and as a result can no longer turn into a Goblin Chieftain. It can be encountered in the Wildlands. Defeating 90 Goblins will cause the Last One to transform into the Goblin Ω.
Final Fantasy XIV[]

Goblins are once again a race of beastmen, being based heavily on their Final Fantasy XI counterparts in both appearance and culture. They have a nomadic lifestyle and only recently begun visiting Eorzea. Despite this, a number of Goblins have begun to settle in Idyllshire, formerly a colony of Sharlayan, within the Dravanian hinterlands.
Final Fantasy XV[]

The Goblin appears as the weakest and most common daemon. It can be encountered in Keycatrich Trench, Balouve Mines, Costlemark Tower, and Gralea, and as a random encounter at night or in tunnels. It is also the target of the Mineside Mischief Makers hunt.
Justice Monsters Five[]

The Goblin appears as an obtainable R monster. It is a Fire-elemental monster whose type is Climb, class is Sprite and its specialty is Tech. Its hero tech is Goblin Punch which unleashes a large shockwave upward. Its leader bonus is Coin Collector which increases coin yield by 5%. Its auto-effect is SOS Luck +10% which boosts Luck by 10% when below 30% HP.
A King's Tale: Final Fantasy XV[]

Final Fantasy XVI[]

Goblins are the most common variety of beastman encountered in Valisthea. While primitive, they possess their own language and are capable of crafting tools and using magic. They are often encountered together with a gigas-type enemy, with there being some debate amongst scholars whether goblins and gigas are the same race. The common Goblin (localized as the Goblin Mugger in the English release) can be encountered as an enemy in the Stillwind stage and the open world of Rosaria.
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest[]

The Brownie appears as a weak enemy encountered in the Level Forest.
Final Fantasy Tactics[]

There are three classes of Goblins; Goblin, Black Goblin and Gobbledyguck. They are all weak enemies with a short attack range which resort to punches to defeat foes. They all bear a weakness to Ice.
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance[]

The Goblin appears as a common enemy in the early game. It is the only source of the Goblin Punch blue magic, which is permanently missable content as Goblins will stop appearing after a certain point in the story and all of their missions have been completed.
Final Fantasy Adventure[]

The Goblin appears as an enemy encountered in the Topple area.
The Final Fantasy Legend[]

The Goblin appears as an enemy and also a possible monster that the party's monster units can transform into. It can be found on the first floor of the Tower.
Final Fantasy Legend II[]

The Goblin appears as an enemy and also a possible monster that the party's monster unit(s) can transform into. It is also said that Ashura use to be a goblin, but he used the power of MAGI and became a monster with three heads and six arms.
Vagrant Story[]
The Goblin is an enemy encountered in the Abandoned Mines. They may be led by a Goblin Leader.
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles[]

The Goblin is a weak enemy encounted on the River Belle Path. It can appear wielding swords, spears, or maces, with mace-wielding Goblins boasting the most HP and sword-wielders the least.
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates[]

The Goblin appears as an enemy in the Old Town and Mount Vaal.
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time[]
The Goblin returns as a common enemy encountered in the Forest, Fire Mountain, Aqueducts, Library, and River Belle Path.
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King[]
The Goblin is one of many unseen enemies fought off-screen during missions.
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a Darklord[]

The Goblin appears as a melee summon. Its attack power and HP are low, but its speed is Sprightly and it occupies only one slot on a tower floor. It has no special abilities.
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers[]

Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light[]

The Goblin is an enemy found in the Kingdom of Horne region and the North Caves.
Final Fantasy Dimensions[]

The Goblin is an enemy encountered in the Lux region.
Final Fantasy Dimensions II[]
The Goblin appears as an enemy during the first chapter inside numerous story event dungeons. The Goblin summon also appears as a Fire-elemental summon usable by Morrow, based on the the design of goblins in Final Fantasy XI.
Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia[]

The Goblin appears as a common enemy in early chapters. It is based on the goblin from Final Fantasy V.
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy[]
Goblins appear as using a classic-inspired design original to Theatrhythm and their Final Fantasy XI design.
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call[]
Goblins appear as enemies in Battle Music Sequences.
Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade[]
Goblins can be found in the Mist plains of the Mist Region.
Final Fantasy Artniks[]

Final Fantasy Artniks Dive[]

Final Fantasy All the Bravest[]

The Goblin appears as an enemy encountered on Cornelia's Tract. It uses Takedown and drops the Mythril Knife.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]
The Goblins from Final Fantasy IV, V, XI, XV, Tactics, Dimensions II, and World of Final Fantasy appear as enemies, the "Dimensions II" Goblin using the Goblin Guard's Final Fantasy II GBA sprite. The Final Fantasy IV Goblin additionally appears as a summon.
Final Fantasy Explorers[]

Final Fantasy World Wide Words[]

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

World of Final Fantasy[]

The Goblin appears as an imprismable enemy in Cornelia, the Watchplains, Castle Exnine, Intervention Quest, the Coliseum, EX Dungeon Z, and the Hidden Dungeon. It can be transfigured with the Goblin Guard or the Red Cap.
Mobius Final Fantasy[]

The Goblin from Final Fantasy XI appears as a light-elemental Monk card. It grants the Goblin Rush ability.
Chocobo no Fushigina Dungeon[]

Chocobo's Dungeon 2[]

Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales[]

Goblin is the first set of cards obtained by Chocobo, given to him by Dueler X.
Dice de Chocobo[]

Final Fantasy Trading Card Game[]
The Goblins from Theatrhythm Final Fantasy appear as Fire-elemental cards, while the Goblin from Tactics appears as an earth-elemental card.
Final Fantasy Portal App[]

The Goblin from Final Fantasy V appears as a Triple Triad card.
Non-Final Fantasy Appearances[]
Dragon Quest & Final Fantasy in Itadaki Street Portable[]
Goblin is a chance card, the card's ability: Sell house for double cost.
Square Enix Legend World[]

The version of Goblin from Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: The Crystal Bearers appears as an enemy.
Bravely series[]

Goblins are some of the weakest enemies in Bravely Default, with a poor attack power and low defense. The Goblin Slasher and Goblin Archer variants are made more powerful by equipping them with a shield and bow, respectively. Though Bravely Default is a successor to Final Fantasy; The 4 Heroes of Light, the goblin enemies look nothing alike.
goblin is a small, mischievous creature found in many European folk tales and legends. The word "goblin" comes from the Norman French word Gobelinus, the name of a ghost that haunted the town of Évreux in the 12th century.