Final Fantasy Wiki

Spirits that drift about the train graveyard. These troubling pests set upon passerby and cause mischief as well as harm—to what end, no one knows.

Enemy Intel

Ghost is an enemy in Final Fantasy VII Remake, found in the Train Graveyard during Chapter 11, "Haunted". They are the spirits of children who were taken by Eligor.



Possess from FFVII Remake


Ghosts are elusive and tricky enemies fought on the Train Graveyard, capable of phasing in and out of combat. They can alternate between repelling physical, by casting Shield Shield on themselves, and magical attacks, by casting Reflect Reflect. They can also drain the life of their victims with Animus, which deals damage to the target while healing themselves.

The ghosts are weak to Fire Fire and take damage from curative magic.


A way around the ghosts' alternating resistances is to keep switching between party members: Cloud is good for physical and magical damage, Tifa is good for physical attacks, and Aerith is best at dealing magical damage, and can be equipped with the Synergy Materia Synergy Materia for constant magic pelting. Cloud or Tifa can equip Fire Materia Fire Materia with Elemental Materia Elemental Materia to their weapon. When the ghosts appear with other enemies, Aerith can focus on the ghosts while Cloud and Tifa focus on the others. Casting Manaward Manaward on the party halves damage from the ghosts' attacks.

An easy way to deal with Ghosts is with the Raise Raise spell. Linking Revival Materia Revival Materia with Magnify Materia Magnify Materia takes them all out in one move.

Hard Mode[]

On the hard difficulty, the ghosts will phase out more often, and will often appear away from the player's reach to use Animus. They're not particularly more challenging, however.

Aerith can use normal attacks and Ray of Judgment to deal magical damage without expending MP. For the battle around the turntable, it is better to preserve MP however possible. Prayer Materia Prayer Materia is preferable for healing. Aerith should use Soul Drain and cast spells paired with MP Absorption Materia MP Absorption Materia against ghosts that become immune to physical damage. Cloud and Tifa can focus entirely on physical damage with Cloud using Triple Slash to clear waves while Tifa focuses on individual targets, however, Cloud's Blade Burst and Tifa's Chi Trap can also be used for MP-free magical damage.

Other appearances[]

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

Ghost FFVIIR from FFBE enemy sprite
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A ghost is the soul or spirit of a deceased person or animal that can appear, in visible form or other manifestation, to the living. Ghosts are generally described as solitary essences that haunt particular locations, objects, or people they were associated with in life, though stories of phantom armies, ghost trains, phantom ships, and even ghost animals have also been recounted.

Related enemies[]
