Final Fantasy Wiki
Final Fantasy Wiki

The unit floats above the ground, and can move unhindered over water.

Description (War of the Lions)

Float is a status in Final Fantasy Tactics. Floating units are suspended 1H above where they are standing and Earth-elemental attacks will not affect them. Floating characters can move over rugged terrain without penalty, such as lava and water, and are unaffected by other terrain-based penalties, such as the inability to move in water of depth 2h or greater (a character with Float will float 1h above the water level). Characters with the Levitate movement ability (but not those who received the status from accessories or from the Time Magick) can stop over lava. Once applied, Float does not wear off, whether applied through Time Magick or passively added with the movement ability or an accessory.


Ability Levitate (Time Mage)
Accessory Cherche, Winged Boots
Spell Float (Time Magick)

Enemy abilities[]

Enemies do not have access to abilities that inflict Float.


Enemy ability Dischord, Dispelja
Spell Harmony (Mystic Arts), Dispel (Spellblade)