Concept artwork from Final Fantasy II.
The Lamia (ラミア, Ramia?) is a recurring creature in the Final Fantasy series, first appearing in Final Fantasy II. It is a serpentine demon known for its signature Entice and Slap abilities, which can inflict status effects like Charm, Confuse, Sap, and Paralysis.
Final Fantasy II[]

The Lamia appears as an enemy encountered in the Cyclone, Palamecia, and Pandaemonium. Its Charm IV can inflict Confuse on a single target, and may appear alongside the stronger Lamia Queen, while its basic attacks may inflict Sleep.
Final Fantasy III[]
The Lamia appears as an enemy encountered in Hein's Castle. Its Glare can inflict Confuse, and it may appear alongside the Pharaoh.
Final Fantasy IV[]
The Lamia appear as an enemy encountered in the Tower of Babil and Cave of Eblan, as well as the Lunar Ruins exclusive to the Advance and Complete Collection releases, and is also one of the possible monsters that may hatch from the Mystery Egg. It counters any attack with Entice.
Final Fantasy IV: The After Years[]

The Lamia returns as an enemy encountered on the True Moon and in the Challenge Dungeons. Much like its original incarnation, it can counterattack with Entice.
Final Fantasy V[]

The Lamia appears as an enemy encountered in the Ronka Ruins. Its Entice can inflict Confuse, while its Slap inflicts Paralyze. It uses Entice caught and released by a Beastmaster.
Final Fantasy IX[]

The Lamia appears as an enemy encountered in Gizamaluke's Grotto. Its Entice inflicts Confuse, but only works on male targets. It may sometimes cast Cure on itself as a counter, and can increase its attack with Might.
Final Fantasy XI[]

The Lamia appears as a family of beastmen that appear in the near east. It is rumored that they may be chimeras, created by piecing other creatures together. Lamiae often sneak into cities at night and steal away citizens add to the ranks of their undead armies. A aquatic subtype of Lamia known as the Merrow is commonly found in the Arrapago Reef, a cavernous graveyard of many ships.
Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings[]

The Lamia appears as the rank 2 fire-elemental ranged summon. It costs 15 Affinity points to summon. Its basic attack is Fire and its special attack, Entice, can inflict Confuse on an enemy.
Final Fantasy XIV[]
The Lamia appears as a family of creatures variously depicted as either Allagan chimerical creations, voidsent, or otherwise aether-mutated women with a serpentine form. They have the same appearance as the lamiae from Final Fantasy XI. The Ananta of Gyr Abania are similar in appearance to the lamiae, and are said to have been around since the days of Allag, indicating a relation between them and the Allagan chimerical creations.
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance[]

The Lamia appears as an enemy capable of inflicting Sleep and Frog with its Song abilities.
Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift[]

The Lamia appears as an enemy capable of inflicting Sleep, Poison, and Toad with its Darkness abilities.
Crystal Defenders[]

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles[]

The Lamia appears as an enemy encountered in the Lynari Desert.
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a Darklord[]

The Lamia appears as a healer summon. It heals other monsters summoned by Mira, but has low speed and a cost of two slots. Its heals have an added Haste affect.
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest[]

The Lamia appears as an enemy encountered in the Falls Basin and Ice Pyramid. It can inflict Confusion and Sleep with its Gaze and Sleep Lure abilities.
The Final Fantasy Legend[]

The Lamia appears as an enemy encountered on the 16th floor of the Tower, and also as a possible transformation for the party's monster units.
Final Fantasy Legend II[]

The Lamia appears as an enemy encountered in the Race Course, Nasty Dungeon, Valhalla World, and Valhalla Palace, and also as a possible transformation for the party's monster units.
Final Fantasy Legend III[]

The Lamia appears as an enemy and also a possible monster that the party can transform into.
Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light[]

The Lamia appears an enemy encountered in the Pirate Hideout during Part I, and at the Holy Tree Tower and the Trial Tower during Part II.
Final Fantasy Dimensions[]

The Lamia appears as an enemy encountered in Mt. Liene.
Final Fantasy Dimensions II[]

Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia[]

The Lamia from Final Fantasy IV appears as an enemy. It can be a nuisance as its Entice inflicts Charm on male characters. It often appears alongside the Lamia Queen boss.
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call[]

The Lamia from Final Fantasy V appears as an enemy during Battle Music Sequences (BMS).
Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

The Lamia from Final Fantasy III appears as an enemy.
Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]
The Lamiae from Final Fantasy IV, V, and World Wide Words appear as enemies.
Final Fantasy Explorers[]

Final Fantasy World Wide Words[]

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

The Lamiae from Final Fantasy II and III appear as enemies during the events "The Cyclone" and "Castle Hein."
Chocobo no Fushigina Dungeon[]

Chocobo's Dungeon 2[]

The Lamia appears an enemy family first encountered in the lower floors of the Sea Floor Dungeon. They are much stronger than previous enemies and dangerous for their ability to inflict Confusion and attack with Fire from a distance. However, this is offset by their low HP.
Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo Tales[]
The Lamia appears as a group of Fire-elemental cards, granting the Tail, Song, Maiden's Kiss, and Entice abilities.
Dice de Chocobo[]

Lamia was a beautiful Libyan queen who turned into a child-eating demon. She is often referred to as having the lower half of a snake and sometimes a large mouth (lamia in Greek means "large shark", while laimos means gullet).
In Greek mythology,Later characteristics attributed to her are similar to that of succubi, in that the lamia seduces men, enticing them to feed on their blood. It is said they reside in towers or secluded areas and have magical abilities.