Final Fantasy Wiki

Iguion is an enemy in Final Fantasy XII found around the Phon Coast and in one area in the Sochen Cave Palace. Iguions are docile until attacked and are sometimes asleep (Phon Coast) or confused (Sochen Cave Palace). Iguion has the Survival Vest as a rare steal, but it is outclassed by better gear by the time Iguions are available to fight.

Bestiary entry[]

Page 1: Observations[]

Being a variety of toad born of an egg like to a giant jewel. It lives hidden between the rocks, feeding with its long tongue on any creature that approaches, large or small. The adhesive disks on its hands and feet allow it to suspend its body in all manner of precarious locations, enabling it to ambush prey from the most unexpected hiding places. As such, its victims often spend their dying moments in a state of acute bemusement rather than fear.

Page 2: Tips for the Adventurer[]

The giant eggs of the Iguion are a prized rarity. Only the fanciest of the marketers of fancy foodstuffs carry this rare sort of frogspawn, and fewer still are those who know its true value. Why? Because this knowledge is so prized that if two who are in the know happen to meet, a fight to the death ensues, and the world is soon short one... or sometimes two who knew.


Phon Coast

Sochen Cave Palace


Iguion can attack physically and with Lunge. Its Aqua Bubbles deals water damage in a cone-shaped area and can inflict Sap. It can also give itself Regen using Angelsong.


Lightning-elemental attacks, such as Thundara or Thundaga, should be used to damage Iguions.

Iguions are susceptible to most status ailments. Blind will make their attacks often miss, Confuse will make them attack themselves or other enemies, and Sleep and Stop will prevent them from acting (with Sleep, the player should only use magick attacks to avoid waking them up).



Iguion comes from "iguana". Iguana is a genus of herbivorous lizards native to the Neotropics, from southern Mexico to the Caribbean and northern South America. Two species are included: the green iguana widespread throughout its range and a popular pet, and the Lesser Antillean iguana native to the Lesser Antilles and endangered due to habitat destruction. The word "iguana" is derived from the original Taino name for the species, iwana.

The two names, Schmelke (its Japanese name) and Iguion, are a reference to a boss in Final Fantasy VIII and a enemy in Final Fantasy X.

Related enemies[]
