The totema of the humans...
Mateus is the totema of the humes in Final Fantasy Tactics Advance, and is the fifth and final Totema fought by Marche Radiuju. After being defeated, Mateus can be summoned by any hume member of Clan Nutsy. Two Dephs of Mateus also appear during the fight with Remedi in her Li-Grim form.
Unlike the other appearances of Mateus, the totema is an armored female warrior, not an armor with a goddess as a living shield. As Mateus is the totema of the Hume race, she possesses two abilities usable by humes: the Illusionist ability Star Cross, and the Black Mage spell Thundaga.
Mateus is accompanied by four Vampires, two on each side. The shrine in which the battle takes place is quite small, consisting of two flat areas that the opposite teams start out on, with a small 3-panel wide bridge connecting them over a wide abyss. Units can also sneak around the sides of the gap, though the Vampires can simply teleport over it.
To combat Mateus and her undead cronies, players may wish to bring a White Mage with Full-Life, a Summoner with Phoenix, and any Hunter. Full-Life will instantly kill a Vampire, but Phoenix is a better choice because of its wide area of effect and 100% accuracy. If the Summoner has not learned Phoenix from the Nirvana Staff, Madeen, Curaga and Unicorn are also good options.
A melee unit with a move range of 4 or higher (perhaps a Ninja) should be placed in the front row within reach of Mateus. On that unit's first turn, it can score a hit on the Totema while the mages blast the Vampires with Holy spells. Mateus should only get off one spell, most likely Thundaga or Star Cross, before the absence of minions makes her an easy target for a KO.
Move Rate | Jump Rate | Evade Rate |
3 | 2 | 30 |
As a boss character, Mateus's stat growth is considerably higher than that of normal playable job classes. She has the highest HP, MP, Attack, and Magic Resistance of all Totema, and her remaining stats are impressive in their own right with the exception of Speed.
HP | MP | Attack | Defense | Magic Power | Magic Resistance | Speed |
14.6 S+ | 7.2 S+ | 11.4 S+ | 10.4 S+ | 9.6 A+ | 11.4 S+ | 1.0 D |
Totema command. Drive off all intruders.
Skill | Effect |
Breath of God | Envelops surrounding units and deals damage. |
Spellbind | Dark arm that attacks soul, damages, Slows, and delays next turn of one target. |
Totema command. Use all the world's magic.
Skill | Effect |
Star Cross | Uses the power of the stars to deal Holy damage to all enemies. |
Thundaga | Most powerful Lightning spell. Shoots many bolts in a cross-shaped area. |