I couldn't miss the chance to practice my drawing!

Blizzard in Final Fantasy IV Complete Collection.
Blizzard (γγͺγΆγ, Burizado?), also known as Ice, Ice 1, and Blizzard 1, is a Black Magic spell in the Final Fantasy series. Usually it is the basic Ice-elemental spell, and does minor Ice-elemental damage. Blizzard has also appeared as an entirely different attack usable by enemies, though later releases renamed the ability Snowstorm or Icestorm to differentiate between the two.
It is called Hielo (ice) in Spanish versions, Eis (ice) in German versions, and Crio (Greek for ice), Bufera (blizzard) in Italian and "Glacier" (icicle) in French.
Final Fantasy[]
Deals ice damage to one foe.
Blizzard (ICE on the NES and Ice1 in Final Fantasy Origins) is a level 2 Black Magic spell that can be bought from Pravoka and can be learned by the Black Mage, Black Wizard, Red Mage, Red Wizard, and Ninja Job classes.
In the NES and Origins releases, it inflicts between 20 and 80 Ice damage on a single enemy. In the Dawn of Souls and 20th Anniversary Edition releases, it deals minor Ice damage depending on the caster's Intelligence rating, and costs 8 MP to use.
Blizzard is also the NES and Origins name of an enemy ability which deals heavy Ice damage to all allies. It was called Icestorm in later releases.
Final Fantasy II[]
Deals ice damage.
Blizzard (Ice in Origins) is a Black Magic spell that inflicts Ice-elemental damage to one foe or all foes. The amount of damage inflicted increases depending on the spell's level. Any character can learn Blizzard by having them use the Blizzard Tome (Ice Scroll i Origins).
Blizzard Tome | |
Effect | Allows the target to learn Blizzard when used outside of battle. Casts Blizzard VIII when used in battle. |
Buy | Altair, Mysidia, Machanon |
Find | Snow Cavern |
Drop | Dark Soul, Miss Vamp, Ogre Mage, Vampire Lady |
Cost | 400 gil (Origins) |
150 gil (Dawn of Souls, 20th Anniversary Edition) |
Blizzard V can be used by both Magician and Ogre Mage, Blizzard VIII by Red Soul, Sorcerer, and Specter, and Blizzard XII by Ice Gigas, Skull, and Vampire Lady.
Final Fantasy III[]
Blizzard is a Level 1 Black Magic spell that has a base power of 25 and can be bought for 100 gil at Kazus, Tozus, and the Vikings' Cove, while one can be found in Castle Sasune. It can also be used through the Ice Staff and Freezing Blade when using them as items. The enemies Petit, Lilliputian, Pugman, Merman, Manticore, and Agaliarept are capable of using the spell against the player.
Final Fantasy IV[]
Causes ice damage.
Blizzard is a Black Magic spell. It is learned by Rydia (level 2), and initially by Tellah, Palom, and Fusoya. Blizzard is cast by Palom in a cutscene to put out a fire blocking the path up Mount Ordeals. It has a casting time of 1, costs 5 MP to cast, and has a spell power of 16 in the 2D versions, and 20 in the 3D versions. It can be cast for no MP cost by using Ice Rod as an item in battle.
In the Easy Type version, the casting time was reduce to 0 and the spell was renamed to Blizzard 1.
There is also an enemy ability called Blizzard in the SNES release which was retranslated as Icestorm.
Final Fantasy IV -Interlude-[]
Blizzard is a Black Magic spell. The imposter Rydia, Palom, and Rydia know it by default. It deals minor ice-elemental damage to one or all enemies at the cost of 5 MP.
Final Fantasy IV: The After Years[]
All Black Magic users begin with this spell. It costs 5 MP. During Palom's Tale, Leonora learns the weaker Blizzard? and it only costs 2 MP to cast.
Final Fantasy V[]
Blizzard is a Level 1 Black Magic spell. It is usable by the Black Mage and Red Mage classes, and by characters who have the Black Magic 1 or Red Magic 1 abilities equipped. The Mystic Knight can imbue their sword with Blizzard with the Spellblade command, and any character equipped with the Spellblade 1 command may do the same. Blizzard is one of the spells that can be cast from the Wonder Wand for free.
The spell can be purchased in Tule, Carwen, Karnak, or Crescent for 150 gil, and costs 4 MP to cast. The enemies Ice Soldier, Magissa, Mani Wizard, Omniscient, Siren, and Reflect Mage are all capable of casting the spell.
The Ice Storm ability is also known as Blizzard in Final Fantasy Anthology.
Final Fantasy VI[]
Blizzard is an Ice-elemental Attack spell that costs 5 MP to cast. Shiva teaches Blizzard at a rate of x10 and Bismarck teaches it at a rate of x20. Celes knows the spell when she joins the party. Its Battle Power is 22, Hit Rate is 150, and is vulnerable to Runic. The first battle with Kefka, Level 10 Magic, Magna Roader (Red), Number 024, Number 128, Rhizopas, Shiva, Apparition, and Specter are all capable of using the spell.
Blizzard is an Added Ability to the Icebrand weapon.
Final Fantasy VII[]

Blizzard being cast on a Sweeper.
Anyone who equips the Ice Materia can cast Ice. Cloud comes equipped with it, and it can first be bought in the Sector 7 Slums in Midgar. Other shops sell the Materia as well. The spell costs 4 MP to cast, and has a spell power is equal to 0.5x the base magic damage.
Ice can be used by the enemies Deenglow, Beachplug, and Snow, though Snow will never use the spell. The boss Sample:H0512-opt will also use the spell on a frequent basis.
Final Fantasy VII Remake[]
Blizzard is the first ability of Ice Materia, costing 4 MP to cast. It deals a small amount of Ice damage to one enemy, and can strike the target twice.
Blizzard can be used by H0512-OPT and Phantom.
Final Fantasy VII Rebirth[]

Blizzard is a first tier spell from the Ice Materia. It deals magical
Ice damage to a target. If the character casting the spell has unlocked their ice-elemental weapon ability (e.g. Snow Flurry for Red XIII), Blizzard becomes Blizzard Ξ±, which is not more powerful than normal a Blizzard spell, but will bestow an ice-elemental sphere to the spellcaster for the rest of the battle (unless the player changes the element with Fire Ξ± etc.) that will circle their character model and will supplement small magical ice-elemental damage when defending against certain enemy attacks (perfect-blocking not needed) and when using ATB abilities. It is not the same effect as imbuing a character's weapon with elements via Elemental Materia, however. The attacks from the "ice sphere" do build stagger and can be critical hits.
Blizzard is also used against the player by the following enemies: Shankhalopod, Shoalopod, Two Face, and Yin & Yang.
Before Crisis -Final Fantasy VII-[]
Blizzard is an Elemental Magic Materia.
- MP Cost: 10
- Target Type: Range
- Materia Generation System: Blue
- Level 1 - Default - Base Damage: 50
Special Effect:
- Can freeze enemies, stopping them from attacking and slowing their movements.
Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII-[]
Blizzard summons a small shard of ice that hovers above an enemy for a moment before slamming downward. It may inflict Stun. A variation of Blizzard called Dark Blizzard acts like the normal Blizzard spell but also inflicts Poison and Silence. Blizzard requires 6 MP to cast and Dark Blizzard requires 8 MP.
Dirge of Cerberus -Final Fantasy VII-[]
The Blizzard spell can be used if the Blizzard Materia is equipped on the Vincent's gun. It is a target-honing spell.
Final Fantasy VII G-Bike[]

Final Fantasy VIII[]
Blizzard inflicts minor Ice-elemental damage on one opponent. It can drawn from numerous enemies and locations around the world. Casting Blizzard in battle increases compatibility with Shiva by 1, but lowers compatibility with Ifrit by 0.8 and with Eden by 0.2. It can also be junctioned to deal or resist against Ice damage.
Final Fantasy IX[]
Vivi can learn the weak Ice-elemental Black Magic spell Blizzard from the Leather Wrist. It costs 6 MP for him to cast, requires 20 AP to learn, and has a spell power of 14. It can be reflected and works with Return Magic.
The Black Mages, Black Waltz 1, Black Waltz 2, and Black Waltz 3, as well as Type A can all cast the Blizzard spell. Fiends from the Ice Cavern, such as the Cave Imp, Flan, the Sealion, and Wyerd can also cast it. Serpions bear the same spell and appear around the Mist Continent.
Final Fantasy X[]
Blizzard is found on Lulu's section of the Sphere Grid. It costs 4 MP to cast. Blizzard is one of Lulu's default spells. It deals low ice-elemental damage to a target. Biran Ronso, Chocobo Eater, Guado Guardian (A), Mortibody, Sin's Core, Snow Flan, Spherimorph, and White Element can all use the spell.
Final Fantasy X-2[]
Blizzard is a Black Magic spell known initially by the Black Mage dressphere, or by equipping the White Ring accessory, or passing through a gate on the Ice Queen Garment Grid. It costs 4 MP to cast and can be targeted on an entire group.
Blizzard can also be used via Yuna's Festivalist ability Ice Sandals, and the Ice Whirl ability from the Floral Fallal. It can be used by Ahriman (Oversoul), Coeurl, Deep Haizhe (Oversoul), Fem-Goon, Flan Palido, Haizhe (Oversoul), Ironside (Oversoul), Ms. Goon, Precepts Guard (Oversoul), Stalwart (Oversoul), and White Element.
Final Fantasy X-2: Last Mission[]

Final Fantasy XI[]
Final Fantasy XI spell Blizzard
| |
MP | 8 |
Effect | Deals ice damage to an enemy. |
Duration | Instant |
Casting Time | 0.5 seconds |
Recast Time | 2 seconds |
Magic Type | Elemental Magic |
Element | Ice |
Jobs | BLM 17, SCH 20, GEO 24, RDM 24, DRK 29 |
Blizzard is an Elemental Magic spell that can be used by Black Mages, Scholars, Geomancers, Red Mages, and Dark Knights. The spell inflicts Ice-elemental damage to a single enemy. Ice is generally one of the harder hitting, and last learned elements of any tier, superseded only by Thunder. The spell can be purchased from any of the three starting nations.
Final Fantasy XII[]
Blizzard is a Level 1 Black Magick spell in the original PlayStation 2 version, bought from Rabanastre and other shops visitable since the beginning of the game. In the Zodiac versions, Blizzard's license is Black Magick 2 and only the Black Mage job class can use it. It is bought from Dalmasca Estersand after gaining the Shadestone in Giza, and also from a treasure in the Trial Mode Stage 23 with a Diamond Armlet equipped.
Final Fantasy XII: Revenant Wings[]
Blizzard may be used by the Espers Shivan, Shivar, and by Kytes if an Ice-elemental rod/wand is equipped.
Final Fantasy XIII[]
Deal ice damage to target.
Blizzard is a Ravager ability that deals ice-elemental magical damage and costs 1 ATB segment to cast with a Attack Power of 1.0. When cast, it will delay the damage approximately one second after hitting the enemy. It can be learned by Lightning (stage 5), Snow (stage 6), Vanille (stage 1), Hope (stage 1), and Fang (stage 7).
It is a summon ability used by Stiria.
It is an enemy ability used by Dahaka, Left Ailette, and Leyak.
Final Fantasy XIII-2[]
Blizzard is a Ravager ability that inflict ice-attribute magic damage. It has an ATB cost of 1 and a modifier of 1.0. It can be learned by Serah (role level 10), Noel (role level 1), Albino Lobo (1), Apotamkin (1), Bloodfang Bass (1), Blue Chocobo (1), Buccaboo (1), Buccaboo Ace (1), Ceratoraptor (1), Debris (15), Gremlin (1), Grenade (1), Lightning (1), Mud Frog (1), Nekton (1), Pink Lily (1), Swampmonk (1), Valfodr (14), Zaghnal (1), and Zwerg Metro (1).
It is also an enemy ability used by Gremlin, Pink Miniflan, and Raspatil.
Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII[]
Blizzard deals ice damage to a target. It has ATB cost of 15, initial attack power without being synthesized of x0.40. Its stagger power is C and stagger time E. It is dropped by Gremlins and Miniflans.
It is a locked ability in Utsusemi (Lv 2) and Cold Rebellion (Lv 2) garbs. It can also be dropped by enemies.
Final Fantasy XIV[]
Blizzard is a spell available at level 1 for Thaumaturges. The ability deals ice-elemental damage to a single target with the potency of 170 and has a chance to inflict Heavy for a period of 20 seconds. When the spell is used, it grants the Umbral Ice effect for 10 seconds and removes Astral Fire.
Y'shtola Rhul uses Blizzard of the Seventh Dawn when serving as a DPS unit in dungeons with the Duty Support system. It functions identically as the Thaumaturge action.
Several enemy variants also exist in the game. Voidsent enemies have access to "dark" variants of the spell called Void Blizzard and Dark Blizzard, while sin eaters have access to a "light" variant called Sanctified Blizzard. Minduruva uses Manusya Blizzard as part of her Dhrupad ability, dealing ice damage to a random target and inflicting Frostbite for 12 seconds.
Final Fantasy XV[]
Ice is one the three elements the player can use in Elemancy. The player can collect ice energy from ice deposits, and from enemies defeated with Noctis with Insomnian weapons that have an engine hilt. The player can add various catalysts to their crafting process to improve the spells. The highest grade blizzard spell is Freeze, crafted with the best catalysts.
Casting blizzard-type magic sends the battle area into a blizzard and inflicts Frost status on party and enemies alike. When cast on a body of water, everything is frozen in place, including enemies. If the player is standing on a rock in the body of water when they cast it, they remain unaffected and can thus focus on the immobile targets. Another way to avoid the freezing water is to use blizzard when standing right next to the target so Noctis will throw the flask while doing a backflip and he lands on the freshly-frozen ice.
A King's Tale: Final Fantasy XV[]
Blizzard magic is the first type of magic unlocked to Regis. He casts several blocks of ice, the size depending on the amount of MP concentrated into it.
Final Fantasy Tactics[]
Black magick that conjures forth bone-chilling icicles.
Scatter your chilly sharp blades! Ice!
Upon casting (PlayStation)
The only job that can learn Blizzard magic is the Black Mage. It only costs 50 Job Points to learn, and only requires 6 MP to cast. It has a speed of 25.
Final Fantasy Tactics Advance[]
Creates chunk of ice to deal damage.
Blizzard deals ice damage to an enemy. It can be learned for 100 AP by the Black Mage from the Rod and Red Mage from the Flamberge. It costs 6 MP to cast, has a range of 4, and a Magic Power of 30. It is stealable through the ability Steal: Ability. It is also susceptible to Return Magic and Absorb MP.
Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift[]
Blizzard is a spell that deals ice damage in a cross-shaped area. It is learned for 100 AP by the Black Mage from the Rod and Red Mage from the Flamberge. It costs 8 MP to cast.
Final Fantasy Tactics S[]

Final Fantasy Type-0[]
There are various Blizzard spells and the spell's class depends on the user's Magic Power.
Type | Name | Prereq | Unlock |
RF Rifle | |||
Blizzard RF | 50 (Ice Magic) |
Learned during Moglin's "ICMG-101: Elementary Ice Magic I" lecture in Chapter 3 | |
Shoots a bullet straight forward. Charging this spell increases the number of bullets. | |||
RF-II Rifle | |||
Blizzard RF-II | 55 (Ice Magic) |
Complete The Retreat from Roshana on Officer difficulty | |
Shoots a piercing bullet straight forward. Charging this spell increases the number of bullets. | |||
SHG Shotgun | |||
Blizzard SHG | 60 (Ice Magic) |
Complete The Reclamation of Eibon on Officer difficulty | |
Shoots several small bullets in a cone in front of the character. Charging this spell increases the width of the cone. | |||
SHG-II Shotgun | |||
Blizzard SHG-II | 65 (Ice Magic) |
Use Blizzard SHG at least 300 times | |
Shoot Ice-type bullets that scatter upon impact. | |||
ROK Rocket | |||
Blizzard ROK | 60 (Ice Magic) |
Complete SO "Sneak into R&D undetected" during Operation MA Demolition in first area | |
Aims with crosshairs to shoot explosive bullets. | |||
ROK-II Rocket | |||
Blizzard ROK-II | 70 (Ice Magic) |
Complete SO "Take down one Mid-Sized Carrier using active leader" during Escaping the Imperial Capital | |
Aims with crosshairs to shoot explosive, powerful bullets. | |||
MIS Missile | |||
Blizzard MIS | 60 (Ice Magic) |
Complete The Clash in the Caverns on Officer difficulty | |
Launches a explosive bullet that pursues its target. | |||
MIS-II Missile | |||
Blizzard MIS-II | 50 (Ice Magic) |
Complete SO "Combat Trial: Do not engage any enemies" during The Battle of Judecca | |
Launch a slow but powerful Ice-type bullet that pursues its target. | |||
BOM Bomb | |||
Blizzard BOM | 55 (Ice Magic) |
Available at beginning | |
Sends out a wave of energy around the user. Charging this spell increases the damage. | |||
BOM-II Bomb | |||
Blizzard BOM-II | 60 (Ice Magic) |
Complete The Last Line of Defense on Officer difficulty | |
Sends out a wave of energy around the user which lasts for a short time. Charging this spell increases the damage. |
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles[]
Blizzard Magicite can only be found in dungeons. Once it is found, the player can cast it until they leave that dungeon. By combining Magicite, the player can cast higher level Blizzard spells.
Ring of Blizzard is an accessory that allows the player to cast Blizzard magic all the time.
It is also an enemy ability used by Goblin Mage, Ice Ahriman, Magic Plant, Orc Mage, Ice Bomb, Lizardman Mage, Sahagin, Lizard Wizard, Coeurl, Skeleton Mage, Gigan Toad, Stone Sahagin, Mimic, and Sand Sahagin.
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates[]
Blizzard Magicite can be found in dungeons or purchased at the Magic Goods stand in Rebena Te Ra. Blizzard Magicite can only be used once, so players can carry from 10 to 99 Blizzard Magicite. Blizzard Pockets can be found or purchased from the Mog Mart so players can carry more. It deals minor ice damage and freezes enemies.
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: My Life as a King[]
Blizzard is the level 1 Frost spell, exclusive to the Black Mage class, and caps at level 100. It deals Ice damage to one enemy, can be used up to three times per battle, and up to five times a day.
Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time[]
Blizzard is one of the six basic spells any character can cast and is indicated with the dark blue icon. It deals minor ice damage and freezes enemies. It can stack with Clear to cast Slow.
Final Fantasy Mystic Quest[]
Blizzard is a Black Magic spell, usable by Benjamin and Phoebe. It deals Water-elemental damage to one or multiple enemies, as there is no Ice element. It can be repelled. Some enemies can also use the spell, and that version has an attack power of 10.
Final Fantasy Adventure[]
The Ice spell shoots an icicle at a monster and turns it into a snowman. After shooting the icicle, control it with the control pad to hit the enemy. Enemies turned into Snowman can be used to be pushed onto switches. Found inside a treasure chest in the Cave of Medusa, cost 2 MP to cast.
The Final Fantasy Legend[]
Ice is an ability that has 10 uses and has an attack power of 4 which deals Ice damage to a group of enemies, the damage formula is base on Mana. This ability is used by SnowCat, Ten-Gu, Giant, DemoLord, Dragon 5, Ko-Run, Rakshasa, Scylla, Spector, BoneKing, DemoKing, Tiamat, Anubis, Lich, Susano-O, Byak-Ko, and Byak-Ko2.
A Magic Book called Ice appears with a book icon before its name. It deals Ice-elemental damage to one group of enemies. It can be bought in Base Town, South Town, Sky Town, and Hidden Town for 500 GP. It only has 20 uses and an attack power of 6, the damage formula for Ice is base on Mana.
Final Fantasy Legend II[]
Blizzard is a magical attack that has 15 uses, it also increases a Robot's HP by 9. The damage formula for Blizzard is the user's Mana x5. The ability target's all enemies, and its Ice-elemental. This attack can be used by Byak-Ko, Great-D, Ice Crab, SnowCat, Fenrir, and Minion.
A Magic Book called Ice appears with a book icon before its name. It cast Ice, and can be bought in numerous towns across the various worlds for 6800 GP or found in chests. It only has 30 uses, and also increases a Robot's HP by 45 when equipped on them. The damage formula for Fire is the user's Mana x10, deals Ice-elemental damage to one group of enemies.
Final Fantasy Legend III[]
Ice 1 is a Black Magic spell deals Ice elemental damage to one enemy. It cost 8 MP to use, and it can be bought for 400 GP in Dharm (Present) and Elan (Past & Present).
Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light[]
Blizzard is a low level Black Magic spell, it costs 2 AP to cast and has spell power of 8. Blizzard can only be used if the Blizzard Tome item is in the player's inventory. The spell can be purchased for 500 gil in Invidia after darkness floods the world. Torte is automatically equipped with this spell when he joins the party.
Final Fantasy Dimensions[]

Final Fantasy Dimensions II[]

Dissidia Final Fantasy[]
Blizzard is a Bravery attack for Firion and Onion Knight. Firion's Blizzard fires an ice shard that travels quickly and hits the opponent once. It requires 20 CP to equip and 120 AP to master. It has a power of 12 and generates 2 EX Force.
Onion Knight's Blizzard fires an ice shard straight forward, and can further chain into Blizzaga or Quake. It requires 20 CP to use and 60 AP to master. Blizzard hits two to four times, depending on the distance from the opponent, each hit has a power of 9 and generates 4 EX Force. In his EX Mode, Blizzard has greater range.
Squall has a variation of Blizzard called Blizzard Barret, which fires a fast orb of ice at the opponent. It requires 20 CP to use and 90 AP to master. It has a power of 10 and generates 2 EX Force.
Terra has a variation of Blizzard called Blizzard Combo where she strikes the opponent with three shards of ice. It costs 30 CP to equip and 180 AP to master. It deals 25 magical damage, 45 in EX Mode, and generates 145 EX Force. Terra knows the ground version of Blizzard Combo initially, and learns the aerial version at Level 6.
Shantotto uses Blizzard when using Spirit Magic: Ice while her Brave is under 3000, which fires an ice shard that slams the opponent downwards into the ground or into a wall. It deals 15 damage and generates 32 EX Force.
Dissidia 012 Final Fantasy[]
Shoot frost projectiles. Limited height, but high speed.
Menu description of Onion Knight's Blizzard.
Firion can use Magic Arts: Frost, which can be chained into or from Firion's other two Magic Arts attacks up to three times.It is known by default, costs 15 CP to equip, and 90 AP to master. Magic Arts: Frost has the same power as Blizzard but executes faster, initiates a Chase Sequence, and generates no EX Force.
Onion Knight's Blizzard deals the same amount of damage regardless of the opponent's range, but the damage is increased when he is in EX Mode. Blizzard costs 10 CP to equip and 20 AP to master. Blizzard has total 12 power, 15 in EX Mode, and generates 12 EX Force.
Squall's Blizzard Barret has the same CP and AP costs as in the original game and has the same power, but no longer generates EX Force.
Terra's Blizzard Combo needs 15 CP to equip and 100 AP to master. She learns the aerial version at Level 16, and known the ground version by default. Blizzard Combo has 20 power, 30 in EX Mode, and generates 30 EX Force.
Tifa has Blizzard as a Bravery attack. It fires a slow shard of ice at opponents. It costs 30 CP to equip and 80 AP to master. Blizzard deals 10 magical damage and generates no EX Force.
Shantotto casts Blizzard when using Spirit Magic: Ice while her Brave is under 2000. Blizzard deals 10 damage and produces 60 EX Force on an HP hit, when not dealing HP damage it instead produces between 24 and 36 EX Force.
Dissidia Final Fantasy NT[]

Dissidia Final Fantasy Opera Omnia[]

Theatrhythm Final Fantasy[]
Blizzard is a reactive ability that activates in Battle Music Sequences every time the player gets a Good or better rating on 12 Hold Triggers, and deals low-power magic damage. Blizzard is learned by Onion Knight, Cecil, Rydia, Vivi, Shantotto, Ashe, and Lightning.
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy Curtain Call[]
Blizzard is a reactive ability that costs 7 CP to equip. It is activated in Battle Music Sequence (BMS) each time the player receives GOOD or better on 12 Hold Triggers. It deals low strength magic damage. It is learned Onion Knight (level 10), Lightning (level 25), Hope (level 10), and Benjamin (level 15).
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy All-Star Carnival[]

Theatrhythm Final Bar Line[]

Pictlogica Final Fantasy[]

Pictlogica Final Fantasy β[]

Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade[]
Blizzard is an Intelligence ability, and has a fast leveling rate. At its base, it has an Attack of 180 and a Defense of 160. Its maximum level is 20, and it has a cost of 3.

Final Fantasy Artniks[]

Final Fantasy Artniks Dive[]

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]
Blizzard is a Black Magic ability with a Rarity of 1β. It deals light ice magic damage to one target, it can initially be used two times and it can be honed to Rank 5. It can be created by using Minor Black Orb x3, Minor Ice Orb x3, and 1000 gil.

Final Fantasy Explorers[]
Create a small field of ice in front of you.

Final Fantasy World Wide Words[]

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

Mobius Final Fantasy[]

World of Final Fantasy[]
Blizzard is an active, ice-elemental magic ability that inflicts magical ice damage on a single target for 3 AP. It can be used by Bablizz, Baby Paleberry, Brrblizz, Deathskull, Dramut, Ice Bat, Mist Dragon, Quachacho, and Security Eye.
It is also an enemy ability used by Black Mage, Shiva (1st), Terra, and White Nakk.
Stranger of Paradise Final Fantasy Origin[]

Chocobo Racing[]

Chocobo no Fushigina Dungeon[]

Chocobo's Dungeon 2[]
Blizzard can be cast by Chocobo by using a Blizzard book. Once the spell has been used enough times and his Blizzard magic level reaches level 9, it upgrades into Blizzara. By possessing the Blizzard Storm feather, L1 or R1 can be pressed to target a pyramidal area in front of Chocobo with a Blizzard spell.
Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon[]
Blizzard is a Lv. 1 spell that costs 1 SP to cast, and attacks three grids forward.
Non-Final Fantasy guest appearances[]
Other Square Enix titles[]

Terra using Blizzard in Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep.
Blizzard, also known as Ice in older titles, has appeared in other Square Enix titles as an ability, referencing the Final Fantasy version of the spell.
The original Game Boy versions of the first three entries of the SaGa series (known as the Final Fantasy Legend trilogy in the west) include Ice/Ice 1 (γγͺγΆγ, Burizado?) as the recurring ice/water-elemental spell, with its upgrade being Ice 2 (γγͺγΆγ¬, Burizaga?, lit. Blizzaga) in the third entry. The Japanese-exclusive 3D remakes of the second and third titles include several upgrades for Blizzard - Blizzara, Blizzaga, Hell Blizzard, and Frost Blizzard.
Ice appears as a magic spell within the Forsaken Dungeon of Ehrgeiz: God Bless the Ring. The Basic version shoots an ice ball and consumes one Magic Stone when used, while the Ultra version has ice falling down to hit all enemies present, it consumes three Magic Stones when used.

Blizzard in Bravely Default.
Blizzard, together with its higher tiers Blizzara and Blizzaga, appears as a recurring magic spell in the Kingdom Hearts series. When performing Blizzard in titles, the caster unleashes a chunk of ice to shoot out directly from their Keyblade.
As the successor of Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light, Blizzard is featured as a recurring Black Magic spell in the Bravely series. The spell carries over the predecessor's water-elemental affinity for the spell. Blizzard is often one of the first spells obtained for the Black Mage job in each title.
Non-Square Enix titles[]
Blizzard has also made cameo appearances or has been referenced in some titles not associated with Square Enix. Noctis can use Blizzard in the form of his Blizzard Spike move in Tekken 7.
Influences in other titles[]
While not including Blizzard as part of its spell catalogue, Chrono Trigger features the Ice-line of spells that function as the game's equivalent. Ice serves as the game's default ice-elemental magic, being exclusively used by Marle. Its upgraded version, Ice II, can also be learned by Marle as she levels up. The spells are known as Ice (γ’γ€γΉ, Aisu?) and Icega (γ’γ€γΉγ¬, Aisuga?) in the Japanese versions of the title. Ice and Ice II also appear in the Chrono series's spiritual successor, I Am Setsuna, as a spritnite ability for Julienne, even carrying over the same suffixes in Japanese.