Duster, also known as Dastar, is a village in Final Fantasy III. Located in an island in the middle of the Surface World, it is populated by Bards and Geomancers, and sells Bard and Geomancer equipment, most of which is unique to Duster. The Bards in town will sing about events in history, such as the Flood of Light.
The Inn here charges 320 gil.
Item Shop[]
Item | Famicom cost | 3D cost |
Hi-Potion | 1,200 gil | 600 gil |
Gold Needle | 300 gil | 100 gil |
Maiden's Kiss | 100 gil | |
Echo Herbs | 100 gil | |
Mallet | 100 gil | |
Eye Drops | 40 gil | |
Antidote | 80 gil | |
Gysahl Greens | 150 gil |
Weapons Shop[]
Item | Famicom cost | 3D cost |
Diamond Bell | 4,500 gil | |
Madhura Harp | 8,000 gil | 10,000 gil |
Loki Harp | N/A | 10,000 gil |
Lamia Harp | N/A | 12,000 gil |
Dream Harp | N/A | 12,000 gil |
Armor Shop[]
Item | Famicom cost | 3D cost |
Gaia Vest | 4,200 gil | 7,600 gil |
Bard Vest | 5,500 gil | |
Feathered Hat | 8,000 gil | 6,000 gil |
Rune Bracers | 5,000 gil |
Item | Location |
Earthen Drums | Hidden east of the waterfall |
Earthen Drums | Hidden west of the waterfall |
Note: Enemies are encountered around Duster.
Musical themes[]
The background music that plays at Duster is called "In the Covert Town".