Final Fantasy Wiki

Any minimantoise that lives long enough can grow this big. As you might expect, weak attacks will simply bounce off an adamantoise's incredibly hard shell. It's said they dream of learning how to fly, but pigs have a better chance.

Adamantoise is an enemy in World of Final Fantasy.


Base stats[]

Mirage Board spaces[]

Active Ability SP Required
Temblor 5
Pressure 5
Passive Ability SP Required
Poison Counter 3
Auto-Protect 3
Auto-Shell 3
Stat Boosts
Stat SP Required
HP++ 3
Strength+ 3
Strength+ 3
Defense++ 3
Magic Defense+ 3
Magic Defense++ 3
Accuracy+ 3
Miscellaneous Spaces
Blank Space SP Required
Blank Space 2
Mirajewel SP Required
Defense++ Mirajewel 3
Transfiguration SP Required
Minimantoise 1
Miscellaneous Information
SP Total SP
Mirage Board 46
Mirage Board family 89
Entire Mirage Board group 156
Level Requirement Level
Fresh (No other transfiguration unlocked) Transf. Unlocked
Mirage Board completion 35 35
Mirage Board family Mastery 66 65
Mirage Board group Mastery 66 65

Encounter stats[]

The Low Seas[]

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The Coliseum[]

EX Dungeon A[]


Location Formation
The Low Seas - Low Seas Region Adamantoise *(Field encounter)
The Coliseum - Preying Mantoise Adamantoise
EX Dungeon A - Area 3 Adamantoise *(Field encounter)



Adamantoise is a portmanteau of "adamantite" and "tortoise".

Adamantite and similar words including Adamant and Adamantine are used to refer to any especially hard substance, whether composed of diamond, some other gemstone, or some type of metal.

Related enemies[]
