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Ether in Final Fantasy VII.
Ether in Final Fantasy VII.
I heard people saying they'd revealed the method to making ether, but what good does a recipe like this do me? A mix of unpurified ether and caramel? Right. Now where am I supposed to get those?
—Paty, Geomancer, Aletap Rumors

El éter (Ether en inglés, エーテル en japonés) es uno de los objetos disponibles en la saga Final Fantasy.


Este objeto normalmente se asocia con una forma de recuperación de PM para un personaje, lo cual hace que tengan un papel muy importante en el inventario de los héroes del jugador. Su efecto genérico es la recuperación de una cantidad pequeña de PM a un solo personaje. Este objeto es recurrente en la saga, y solamente no está incluido en Final Fantasy III y en Final Fantasy VIII. Sus mejoras son el Hi-éter y el Turboéter.



Final Fantasy[]

Plantilla:Quote Ethers do not appear in the original NES version nor Origins port, but they do in the Dawn of Souls, 20th Anniversary, and Pixel Remaster versions.

Effect Restores 50 MP. Restores one spell charge to all spell levels in the Pixel Remaster version.
Buy Pravoka, Crescent Lake, Gaia, Onrac
Find Mount Duergar, Cavern of Ice, Earthgift Shrine, Hellfire Chasm, Lifespring Grotto (x5), Whisperwind Cove (x9)
Drop Air Elemental, Unicorn
Cost 150 gil

Final Fantasy II[]


Effect Restores some MP.
Buy Altair, Salamand, Tropical Island
Find Deist Cavern, Coliseum, Fynn Castle, Tropical Island, Cave of Mysidia, Mysidian Tower, Castle Palamecia, Pandaemonium
Drop Malboro, Malboro Terra, Mantis King, Death Rider, Flan Princess, Chimera Brain, Lamia Matriarch
Cost 2,500 gil
1,000 gil

Final Fantasy IV[]


Also called Ether1
Effect Restores a small amount of MP.
Buy Hummingway Home
Find Baron Castle (x5), Baron Town, Kaipo, Water Cave (x2), Antlion's Den, Fabul, Mount Ordeals (x2), Waterway (x2), Troia, Troia Castle (x4), Lodestone Cavern (x2), Eblan (x3), Dwarven Castle (x2), Tower of Babil - Lower, Cave of Eblan, Sealed Cave (x3), Sylph Cave, Feymarch (x2), Giant of Babil
Steal Lunar Virus (3D only), Black Flan (3D only), Gloomwing (3D only)
Drop Mini Satana (2D and 3D), Gremlin (2D and 3D), Imp (2D only), Gloomwing (2D and 3D), Lunar Virus (2D and 3D), Abyss Worm (2D and 3D), Black Flan (2D and 3D), Tiny Mage (2D and 3D), Marionette (3D only), Sorceress (2D and 3D)
Cost 10,000 gil

Final Fantasy IV -Interlude-[]

Plantilla:Item section

Final Fantasy IV: The After Years[]

Ethers restore 50 MP. They can be found on several enemies, and can also be bought for 10,000 gil in the Hummingway Home in the final Chapter.

Final Fantasy V[]


Effect Restores 40 MP.
Buy Lix onwards
Find Tule, Pirates' Hideout, Tycoon Castle (x2), Walse Tower, Library of the Ancients, Ronka Ruins, Moogle Forest, Great Forest of Moore, Castle Exdeath (x2), Island Shrine (x2), Fork Tower, Istory Falls, Great Sea Trench, Interdimensional Rift - Ruins
Steal Crystelle, Hydra, Level Checker, Undead Husk, Motor Trap, Page 128, Prototype, Soul Cannon, Tiny Mage, Tot Aevis, Devilfish, Yellow Dragon, Flame Thrower, Rocket Launcher, Atomos, Launcher
Drop Galajelly, Gaelicat, Reflect Mage, Bone Dragon, Sorcerer, Tunneller, White Flame, Abductor
Cost 1,500 gil

Ethers are also a Mix result by either mixing Ether x2, an Ether and Holy Water, or Potion and Turtle Shell. These Ethers generally restore more MP than just the standard item.

Final Fantasy VI[]


Also called Tincture
Effect Restores 50 MP.
Buy Albrook and onwards
Find [WoB] Narshe (Classroom), [WoB] Returners' Hideout, [WoB] Jidoor, [WoB] Zozo (x2), [WoB] Albrook, [WoB] Magitek Research Facility in Vector, [WoB] Vector (Banquet), [WoR] Tzen (Crumbling House)
Steal Sky Armor, Devoahan, Dropper, Spitfire, Level 30 Magic, Level 40 Magic, Level 20 Magic, Level 10 Magic, Right Blade, Left Blade
Drop Dropper, Spitfire, Ymir (shell), Level 30 Magic, Level 40 Magic, Level 20 Magic, Level 10 Magic, Level 50 Magic, Level 60 Magic, Level 70 Magic, Level 80 Magic, Level 90 Magic
Cost 1,500 gil

Final Fantasy VII[]

Plantilla:Quote A programming error also has the party obtain "Tinctures" after a Condor War battle, however, these Tinctures are really Ethers. An upgraded Ether is known as Turbo Ether.

Effect Restores 100 MP.
Buy Cosmo Canyon onwards
Find Sector 7 Slums, Corneo's Mansion, Aeris's House, Kalm (x3), Mythril Mine, Cave of the Gi (x2), Whirlwind Maze, Junon (during parade must score between 40% and 49%/x6), Bone Village, Condor War (win 3rd battle), North Corel
Steal Deenglow, Hedgehog Pie, Ark Dragon, Stinger, Kalm Fang, Capparwire, Levrikon, Prowler, Scissors, Scrutin Eye, Sonic Speed, Twin Brain
Drop Mono Drive, Reno (Sector 7), Ark Dragon, Bullmotor, Crazy Saw, Crysales, Gighee, Head Hunter, Hungry, Killbin, Land Worm, Lessaloploth, Scruting, Shred, Zenene
Morph Ghost, Hedgehog Pie, Mandragora
Other Prize: C, B and A classes of Chocobo Races
Cost 1,500 gil

Dirge of Cerberus -Final Fantasy VII-[]

Ethers restore a moderate amount of MP. They can be purchased for 1000 gil.

Before Crisis -Final Fantasy VII-[]

Ethers restore 100 MP. They can be bought for 100 Rank Points.

Crisis Core -Final Fantasy VII-[]

Plantilla:Quote Ethers are quite common and restore some MP. They can be bought at the shop for 200 gil by default. They can also be used as a Materia Fusion ingredient: 10 adds MP+10% to a Materia. Plantilla:Item section

Final Fantasy VII Remake[]

Plantilla:Item section

Final Fantasy IX[]

Articulo principal: Ether (Final Fantasy IX)

Ethers can be synthesized by Hades and cannot be bought anywhere.

Effect Restores 100 MP on field.
Restores 150 MP in battle.
Find Alexandria (disc 1), Alexandria Castle & Town (disc 3), Evil Forest (x3), Ice Cavern, Dali, Lindblum Castle (disc 1), Lindblum (disc 2), South Gate, Burmecia, Treno, Quan's Dwelling (x3), Cleyra's Trunk, Cleyra (x2), Fossil Roo, Black Mage Village, Conde Petie Mountain Path, Iifa Tree, Mount Gulug, Bubble directly north of Iifa Tree (x9), Streamside chocograph (x4), Forgotten Lagoon chocograph (x5), Abandoned Lagoon chocograph (x4), Bird's-eye Lagoon chocograph (x3), Forbidden Forest chocograph (x7), Forgotten Plains chocograph (x5)
Steal Abomination, Amdusias (A), Armodullahan, Armstrong, Axe Beak, Blazer Beetle, Bomb, Cactuar, Catoblepas, Cerberus, Dracozombie, Feather Circle, Gargoyle, Garuda, Gigan Octopus, Gnoll, Grand Dragon, Grenade, Grimlock (Red and Blue), Magic Vice, Ochu, Ogre (A and B), Red Dragon, Sahagin, Skeleton, Sand Scorpion, Stilva, Tiamat (Crystal), Tonberry, Type B, Vepal, Veteran, Zaghnol, Zemzelett, Zombie, Sealion, Lani, Scarlet Hair, Antlion (B), Amdusias (B), Abadon (A), Kuja, Trance Kuja, Tantarian, Eiko (Mirror)
Drop Adamantoise, Agares, Anemone, Armstrong, Ash, Behemoth (B), Blazer Beetle, Cactuar, Cerberus, Crawler, Dracozombie, Drakan, Garuda, Gigan Octopus, Gigan Toad (B), Grand Dragon, Grenade, Griffin, Grimlock Red, Hecteyes, Hedgehog Pie, Hornet, Ironite, Iron Man, Ladybug, Land Worm, Lamia, Lich (Crystal), Magic Vice, Lizard Man, Malboro, Maliris (Crystal), Mandragora, Mimic, Mistodon (A and B), Myconid, Nymph, Ochu, Red Dragon, Sahagin, Sand Golem, Seeker Bat, Serpion, Shell Dragon (B), Soldier (A and B), Stroper, Tonberry, Type A, Veteran, Whale Zombie, Wyerd, Yan, Yeti, Zaghnol, Zuu, Black Waltz 2, Antlion (A), Ralvuimago, Ark, Valia Pira, Amdusias (B), Abadon (A), Nova Dragon, Maliris, Tiamat, Kraken, Lich, Deathguise, Ladybug (Friendly)
Other Stiltzkin in Burmecia, Cleyra, Fossil Roo, Conde Petie Mountain Path, and Bran Bal
Mene (450 pts)
Catch 5 frogs
Sword fight: impress 1–49 nobles, Moguta in Gizamaluke's Grotto
Cost 1,000 gil

Final Fantasy X[]

Plantilla:Quote Ethers restore MP and cannot be purchased in shops, making them rare items.

Effect Restores 100 MP.
Find Submerged Ruins - Ruins: Stairs, Kilika: Tavern (after seeing house collapse), Djose Temple, Moonflow: North Wharf, Thunder Plains: North, Sanubia Desert: East (x2)
Steal Behemoth, Exoray, Funguar, Guado Guardian, Sin (head), Spectral Keeper, Spherimorph, Thorn, YAT-97, YAT-99, YKT-11, YKT-63
Bribe Guado Guardian, YAT-97, YAT-99
Other Gift: Besaid Beach, Mi'ihen Highroad: Central, Mushroom Rock Road - Entrance, Djose Highroad, Macalania Temple: Hall
Prize: Blitzball - League (2nd Place, Most Goals), Tournament (Most Goals), Thunder Plains (get hit by 30 bolts), Macalania Woods: North (Butterfly Hunt minigame before Spherimorph), Sanubia Desert: Central (steal from chests), Calm Lands - Hyper Dodger Chocobo (Beat/tie after 1st win)

Final Fantasy X-2[]

The Alchemist dressphere can use Ethers for free via the Stash skillset. The Lady Luck can use Ethers via the Item Reels command by lining up two Blue Flasks. A Mega-Ether (heals 50% of the party's MP) is achieved by lining up two Cherries.

Effect Restores 100 MP.
Find Celsius (chapters 1/2/3), Calm Lands (chapter 1/2/3), Kilika Port (chapter 1/3/5), Thunder Plains (chapters 1/2/3), Besaid Cave (chapters 1/2; if purchased Besaid Key, chapters 3/5), Zanarkand (chapter 1/2/3), Mi'ihen Highroad (chapters 2/3), Mushroom Rock Road (chapter 2), Bevelle (chapters 2/3/5), Kilika Temple (chapter 5)
Steal Black Elemental (normal and Oversoul), Chac (normal and Oversoul), Claret Dragon (normal and Oversoul), Critical Bug, Divebeak (normal and Oversoul), Flan Azabache (normal and Oversoul), Humbaba, Insect Matriarch, Lacerta (normal and Oversoul), League Mage, Mushroom Cloud (normal and Oversoul), Queen Coeurl, Rukh, Tonberry, Trema, Yevon Striker
Drop Azi Dahaka, Divebeak (Oversoul), Flailing Ochu, Flan Azabache (normal and Oversoul), Great Haunt, League Master, Tonberry, Queen Coeurl (normal and Oversoul), Ruffian, Wight
Bribe Divebeak (normal and Oversoul), Flan Azabache, League Master, League Ranger, League Slasher, Queen Coeurl, Tonberry, Yevon Striker
Other Chapter 2/3- Calibrating lightning towers (no more than 5 correct entries for tower 1, at least 6 - 14 correct entries for tower 1)

Final Fantasy XI[]

Ethers can be purchased from vendors or made by players with the appropriate skill in Alchemy. High quality versions are also available called Ether +1, Ether +2, and Ether +3. Each restore slightly more MP than a standard Ether. There also exists a backpack called an "Ether Tank" that dispenses an Ether on demand (up to 5 times per tank).

Final Fantasy XII[]

If all Ether Lores are purchased, Ethers will recover 75 MP. It is a rare item, in the original version only sold by the Baknamy Merchant in Necrohol of Nabudis late in the game and before the events in the Pharos for 222 gil. Ethers can be acquired fairly early on, by farming it in the Giza Plains. In the Zodiac versions, Ethers are instead sold by the Clan Provisioner in the Rabanastre Bazaar at clan rank Ward of Justice.

Ether can be made at the Bazaar by selling Unpurified Ether x2 and Caramel x3. The pack will cost 4000 gil and can be created repeatedly.

Ethers' potency is doubled by wearing the Pheasant Netsuke accessory, and reversed by wearing the Nihopalaoa.

Final Fantasy XIII[]

The Ethersol serves a similar role to the Ethers. It restores the party TP to full. It can only be used outside of battle. The stock of the item is located on the right side of the bar. They are often found near a save station before most major boss battles.

Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII[]

An Ether restores 4 of Lightning's Energy Points. Ethers can be obtained by giving 10 Unappraised Items to Elmer in Ruffian, trading 60 soul seeds to the soul seed merchants and 40 soul seeds from the second playthrough and onwards, and the Canvas of Prayers quests: "Trapped" (Luxerion), "Ultimate Craving" (Yusnaan), "What's in a Brew?" (Wildlands), and "Desert Cleanup" (The Dead Dunes). An alternative way to buy Ether is via Outerworld Services from random characters in the world, for 2,800 gil.

Final Fantasy XIV[]

Ethers are subject to a cooldown timer shared between all items.

Description Processed via the alchemical extraction of aetheric essence occurring in elemental crystals, the contents of this vial instantly restore a small amount of MP.
Effect Restores 28% of current MP, up to a maximum of 90 MP restored. 150 second cooldown
Recipe Distilled Water (x1) Tinolqa Mistletoe (x1) Imp Wing (x1), Water Shard (X1) Lightning Shard (x1), creates 3 potions. Alchemist level 15

Final Fantasy XV[]


Effect Fully Restores MP and removes Stasis.
Buy Altissia, Cartanica, Tenebrae, Gralea
Find Gladiolus (Survival Skill Lv.4), various outposts and dungeons
Cost 100 gil

Final Fantasy Tactics[]


Effect Restores 20 MP
Find Use Treasure Hunter in Castled City of Zaland, Clockwork City of Goug, Dugeura Pass, Free City of Bervenia, Golgollada Gallows, Grogh Heights, Limberry Castle Gate and Keep, Lionel Castle Gate and Inside, Merchant City of Dorter, Monastery Vaults and Mount Germinas.
Cost 200 gil

The Chemist job class can use Ethers after learning how, which costs 300 JP.

Final Fantasy Tactics Advance[]

Plantilla:Quote Ethers heal 80 MP to a single unit during battle, and aren't available for purchase. They can be sold for 500 gil. Plantilla:Item section

Final Fantasy Tactics A2: Grimoire of the Rift[]

Plantilla:Quote Ethers cannot be bought at shops and can be sold for 480 gil. It restores 30 MP to the target. It is also requested by Ezel Berbier for the quest: "A Small Favor.

Final Fantasy Type-0[]

Ether restores 50% MP to the target. They can be bought in Akademeia for 2000 gil, found at the ruined Airship Landing area during "The Akademeia Liberation" (50% chance), and as a reward for many Free Time Events, doing special orders.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Ring of Fates[]

Plantilla:Quote The Ether restores 100 SP for each character. They can be found through out dungeons or purchased at the Magic Goods store in Rebena Te Ra. Only five can be carried when beginning and can be upgraded to a total of 99 when more Ether Pouches are purchased at Mog Mart or found in dungeons.

Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles: Echoes of Time[]

Plantilla:Item section

Final Fantasy Adventure[]

The Ether is a recovery item that can be bought for 320 GP and restores 10 MP, it has 1 use.

Final Fantasy: The 4 Heroes of Light[]

Ethers restore 3 AP and can be bought for 1000 G at Urbeth, Spelvia, Guera and Liberte (after darkness has fallen) and in Horne (after saving the king). It can be dropped from the Red Jelly, and found in Guera Caverns, Quicksand Castle, Hunting Caves, Great Tree, Ice Caverns, Tower to the Sky, and Star Chamber.

Bravely Default[]

Plantilla:Quote Ethers restore 40 MP to the target. It can be bought from Comrade, Florem, Grandship, Hartschild, Starkfort, Eternia, Adventurer (Norende Village Trader Shop Lv. 6) for 1000 pg. It can be found in Lontano Villa, Ancheim, Temple of Wind, Vestment Cave, Harena Ruins, Grand Mill Works, Miasma Woods, Florem, Temple of Water, Florem Gardens, Witherwood, Mount Fragmentum, and Twilight Ruins, dropped by Holly (prologue), Ominas (prologue), Orthros (ch 1, 5, 6, 7, 8; red head), and it can be a reward for tutorial quests.

Ether can be used in compounding:

  • Ether + Remedy = Remedy
  • Potion + Ether = X-Potion
  • Ether + Ether = Ether
  • Ether + Elixir = Elixir
  • Ether + Megalixir = Megalixir
  • Ether + Phoenix Down = Reincarnate
  • Ether + Antidote = Resist Poison
  • Ether + Eye Drops = Resist Blind
  • Ether + Echo Herbs = Resist Silence
  • Ether + Wakeup Bell = Resist Sleep
  • Ether + Balsam = Resist Dread
  • Ether + Hi-Potion, X-Potion = Quarter Elixir
  • Ether + Turbo Ether = Dry Ether
  • Ether + Beast Liver, Hard Scale, Insect Antenna, Monster Fiber, Spirit Bone, Demon Tail, Dragon Fang, Phlogiston, Permacrystal, Fairy Wing, Fulmen Shard, Desert Rose, Glitterbug, Dark Matter = Rage Orb

Final Fantasy Dimensions[]

Ethers restores 50 MP when used. They can be bought from item shops for 1,500 gil. Plantilla:Item section

Final Fantasy Dimensions II[]

Plantilla:Item section

Dissidia Final Fantasy[]

The Ether is a map piece typically found on the third level of a storyline. It replaces all consumed map skills with new ones chosen at random. It will not replace Invisible or Regen, as they are ongoing effects.

Final Fantasy Airborne Brigade[]

Ethers restore 1 BP. They can be used three times in one day. Plantilla:Item section

Final Fantasy Explorers[]

Plantilla:Item section

Final Fantasy Record Keeper[]

An Ether may drop after the last enemy in a round has been defeated. Ethers restore ability uses to one random ability, restoring at least one use and up to 25% of an ability's uses rounded down.

Ethers are almost always dropped by bosses when there are further boss fights in the same dungeon. The Valigarmanda Nightmare Record final battle has Magic Urns that will drop ethers when defeated.

Final Fantasy Brave Exvius[]

Plantilla:Quote Plantilla:Item section

World of Final Fantasy[]


Effect Restores 4 AP to a single target.
Buy Chocolatte Mart (after Chapter 15)
Find Wellspring Woods, Nether Nebula, Watchplains, Pyreglow Forest, Icicle Ridge, Saronia Docks, Dragon Scars, Train Graveyard, EX Dungeon C
Drop Black Chocochick, Mini Flan, Red Captain, Sea Serpent, Sea Snake
Cost 1,000 gil

Final Fantasy Fables: Chocobo's Dungeon[]

Plantilla:Item section

Non-Final Fantasy guest appearances[]

Chrono Trigger[]

Ether is a consumable item which restores 10 MP of a single party member.


Plantilla:Gallery incomplete



More likely however, the use of the term "ether" in Final Fantasy could refer to aether. Plantilla:Etym

Plantilla:Navbox items
