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Tiedosto:Central Tien Shan, China.JPG

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Alkuperäinen tiedosto (4 288 × 2 850 kuvapistettä, 1,92 MiB, MIME-tyyppi: image/jpeg)


English: This astronaut photograph provides a view of the central Tien Shan, about 64 kilometres east of where the borders of China, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan meet.

While the image looks like it might have been taken from an airplane, it was taken from the International Space Station (ISS) at an altitude of 341 kilometres. The altitude plus the horizontal distance from the site—ISS was approximately 304 kilometres to the south-west—produces an oblique view. This angle, together with shadowing of valleys, accentuates the mountainous topography. Two types of glaciers are visible in the image; cirque glaciers occupy amphitheater-like depressions on the upper slopes of the mountains, and feed ice down-slope to aggregate into large valley glaciers such as the one at image centre. Low clouds obscure an adjacent valley and glaciers to the north (upper left).

Two high peaks of the central Tien Shan are identifiable in the image. Xuelian Feng has a summit of 6, 527 meters above sea level. To the east, the aptly-named Peak 6231 has a summit 6,231 meters above sea level.
Lähde NASA Earth Observatory
Tekijä ISS Expedition 27 crew
Kameran sijainti42° 18′ 00″ N, 80° 54′ 00″ E Kartographer map based on OpenStreetMap.Tämä ja muut kuvat kartalla: OpenStreetMapinfo
This image or video was catalogued by Johnson Space Center of the United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) under Photo ID: ISS027-E-5274.

This tag does not indicate the copyright status of the attached work. A normal copyright tag is still required. See Commons:Licensing.
Other languages:

Image acquired with a Nikon D2Xs digital camera using an 800 mm lens, and is provided by the ISS Crew Earth Observations experiment and Image Science & Analysis Laboratory, Johnson Space Center.


Public domain Tämä teos on ilman tekijänoikeuden suojaa, koska National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) loi sen. Koska Nasa on Yhdysvaltain liittovaltion organisaatio, sen luomat teokset ovat ilman tekijänoikeuden suojaa. ([1][2])
This image is annotated: View the annotations at Commons


Lisää yhden rivin pituinen kuvaus tästä tiedostosta

Kohteet, joita tässä tiedostossa esitetään


16. maaliskuu 2011

42°18'0.000"N, 80°54'0.000"E

0,002 sekunti

800 millimetri



2 009 291 tavu

2 850 pikseli

4 288 pikseli

Tiedoston historia

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nykyinen28. maaliskuuta 2011 kello 12.58Pienoiskuva 28. maaliskuuta 2011 kello 12.58 tallennetusta versiosta4 288 × 2 850 (1,92 MiB)Originalwana{{Information |Description ={{en|1=This astronaut photograph provides a view of the central Tien Shan, about 64 kilometres east of where the borders of China, Kyrgyzstan, and Kazakhstan meet. While the image looks like it might have been taken

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