Fantendo - Game Ideas & More
Fantendo - Game Ideas & More
Don't let anyone makes you believe that darkness is evil... No matter what element you use, as long as it is not corruption, only you decide how do you use your very own power... And if you think I would let you live just because I am a being of light, then consider yourself dead wrong!
Zouméras (2019)
Zouméras, leader of Overlight Bracelets.
AGE ∞ (Immortal)
ZODIAC Unknown
CLASS Former Villain, Neutral-Good
WEAPONS Overlight Guntlet

Zouméras is a former villain debuted in Battle of Bracelets: The Forbidden Light. He is nicknamed "The Light Monster".


He is strange yet easygoing with a cool aptitude, but once sick and monstrous. He will never accept defeat easily and think that he's an immortal (which is true), and always attempts to defeats (murders if it is an enemy) his opponents. He cares deeply about his underlings, even those who opposed him. From the Overlight Truth and onwards, he becomes notably more respectful towards those proving courage and those who defeated him. He also has a huge hatred at Dark Bracelets and Death Bracelets, especially their respective leaders, Darkeron and Hades.

He also tends to be extremely competitive which helps him to be more intimidating against his foes. He also respects Sundium but decides to wonder on his own along with the other Overlight Bracelets after the latter gets sealed away, which that Zouméras noticed that the former God of Light uses them as pawns. He also proves to be able to overcome even his worst fears, making him a huge menace for Phobos.

He becomes increasingly irritated when malicious people had used darkness for destructive purposes, which only backed up further on how people should stop using any element for wrongful purposes, lest something horrible will happens to them. One of the horrible events can be him providing an onslaught against oppositions, and never have any remorse whenever this happens.

Power and Abilities[]

  • Feared Fist (A punch that makes foes cowered): 500 HP Alway
  • Sky Strike (Rains of lights from the sky): 600 HP Alway
  • Flare Beams (Two beams from his eyes): 400 HP each Alway
  • Water Cannon (Familair of Hydro Cannon from Pokémon but the user won't recharge after): 1000 HP Alway
  • Loud Screech (A screech that makes foes dizzy): 1000 HP Lv.5
  • Draco Tail (Swing it's tail with a dragon roar): 1500 HP Lv.6
  • Mind Outrage (Take control on an enemy for 15 seconds/2 turns): 2000 HP Lv.8
  • Parasite Stare (Uses its eyes to immobilize an enemy): 2000 HP Lv.10
  • Über Strength (Throw a huge stone on enemies): 3000 HP Lv.15
  • Jewel Slash (Uses sharp jewelries to slash an enemy): 4000 HP Lv.17
  • Freezing Wind (Mix of Ice and Wind. Freezes the enemies): 4000 HP Lv.24
  • Light Wave (Makes opponents cross-eyed): 5000 HP Lv.35
  • Shadow Struggle (Struggle an opponent with pure darkness): 5000 HP Lv.45
  • Space Slam (Body slam at opponents with the power of cosmos): 10000 HP Lv.56
  • Soul Creep (Traumatize opponents with his center eye): 10000 HP Lv.70

God Form only[]

  • Steel Torture (Trap a foe with metallic chains): 15000 HP Lv.80
  • Shocking Genocide (Hits multiple foes with thunders): 20000 HP Lv.90
  • Sky Overload (Advanced version of Sky Strike): 30000 HP Lv.100
  • Rainbow Apocalypse (Uses huge spheres of bright lights to finish an enemy): OHKO (∞) Lv.101

Main Abilities[]

  • God Form: Transform into a more godlike form to become more powerful and uses more powers. Activate automatically when facing a strong opponent.
  • Killer's Soul: If Zouméras' attacks miss, it's next attack will be multiplied by 1,5. (Cannot multiply further)
  • Infinity-Blocker: Completly blocks OHKO Powers. Also leaves Zouméras at half HP if a non-OHKO Power hits him and could defeat him when he got full HP.


  • Solar Field: Makes the stage surrounded by powerful lights. Greatly reduce non-Overlight Bracelets' Shadow Powers.
  • Immortal Reviver: Revives a dead/knocked out teammate. Can be only used once per matches.


  • Overlight Claws: Permit the holder to uses it Powers without being reflected. Only used by Zouméras. Causes 1000HP damage.



  • His name is a pun of the Greek words "Light Monster".
  • Although thought to be destroyed in his debut, he's actually is alive and can be battled in the Maze of Banned Lights in Fantendo Nightmare.
  • He is the only Bracelet who is not human nor human-like at all.
  • His God Form is considered as an S-Rank God, equaled Hades' rank. However, fans debate whether Zouméras is a true god or not.