Fantendo - Game Ideas & More
I'm usually here to redesign characters and update my articles, otherwise, I'm not that active

You made another one?[]

I see you decided to switch accounts again? Is it a hassle making tons of accounts? ITV Dude (talk) 09:07, February 15, 2017 (UTC)

KirLudwig replies[]

Hai Lol its me KirLudwig, u left a message IDK when in my talk. Thanks for dropping buy, I'll be active again BTW.


Re: KirLudwig replies[]

Thanks for the early happy birthday.



Hey its Kirludwig. yh i play roblox and my username is LudwigspiriT, friend me whenever u want. Do u play Pokemon brick bronze on roblox?

KirLudwig 21:02, December 19, 2017 (UTC)KirLudwig

Oh hey. I've been alright though my fantendo usage has waned in recent times, I mostly just lurk and insult chuds. How have you been?  Holy fuck its the Crunch   Talk  Contribs      11:26, May 27, 2020 (UTC)

Hi ###[]

I made a new Koopaling His Name Is Matthew Allen kayne Koopa

OIP (14) kindlephoto-43263270

Matthew Allen kayne Koopa is a fanon Koopaling who has an Italian actcent.

230px-LudwigNSMBU kindlephoto-33834851

Here's another 3d artwork of Matthew Allen kayne Koopa


Hello, Jimereon.

I do not mean to bother you and I don’t know if you are still active on the wiki but I want to apologize for my previous comments I made towards you on my message wall years ago when I used my original account, RealGameTime. If you are not aware with what I said, in 2016, I stole content from two pages on the wiki and added it to my Smash Bros. and Mario Maker pages which I regret doing back then and I deservingly got called out by other users for doing so. Instead of apologizing to the people directly for stealing their ideas, I got irrationally angry and insulted everyone and the entire wiki on my message wall in which you later rightfully called out my abhorrent behavior on your original account by saying that how I was acting was not funny. When I saw your response, I atrociously made a bunch of nasty and idiotic comments towards you and the people on the wiki such as saying that I hated you and that you and the entire wiki community sucks and was dead. I also horridly said that you and everyone on the wiki do not know anything about creating fanmade games which was horrid and unacceptable for me towards you and the people on this wiki. Lastly, I horrendously and juvenilely called you and the entire wiki community stupid rapid fanboys as well as a disease I don’t want to name at all which was extremely offensive and horrific for me to say.

I’m sorry for being incredibly mean and rude with my comments towards you on my message wall and any negative impact it had on you and any other people on the wiki. I’m also sorry for thinking that it was ever okay to behave and respond like that towards you as you did not deserve any of my mistreatment in any way and my behavior is not your or anyone’s fault except for only my own. I never should have behaved and made churlish comments like that as I was incredibly careless and aggressive towards you and the other people who called me out even though all of you genuinely wanted to confront me and my brash actions towards everyone. I should have used basic common sense, understood the situation I caused, apologized to you and everyone involved, and treated you and the wiki’s community with actual respect instead of making terrible and disrespectful comments. I hate how I moronically wanted to get reactions from you and the people who were criticizing me with my comments in which I did not do anyone any favors for wanting to doing so on the wiki as I also wish I did not treat you and others extremely terribly on the wiki. I should have been kinder, mature, and pleasant towards you and apologized to you and everyone for stealing ideas from others and stopped my behavior back then.

I hate how I acted like my behavior was okay back then as it was my neglectful and dumb choice to ignore how my actions were not acceptable. I hate how I stupidly did not want to honestly challenge myself and admit that I was wrong to act nasty and obnoxious towards you and other people calling out my behavior on the wiki since I was the problem in the situation I created and it was my fault it happened at all. I also hate how I pathetically and cowardly was afraid to admit I was in the wrong when I faced criticism from you and other users regarding my comments and the reality of my terrible behavior towards you and the wiki’s community in the situation. Despite you rightfully criticizing my behavior and knowing that my actions were awful and nasty, I got irrationally furious and stubborn, ignored your feelings, and made comments that went way too far as I wish I did not act like I was better than you and everyone on the wiki when I am not at all. I also apologize that you had to wait so long for this apology as it is long overdue and I should have reached out, addressed, and acknowledged these comments I have made directly to you and the other people involved years ago on my original account. The fact that I was hostile and said horrendous insults towards you and other people within my message wall is inexcusable as I idiotically ignored how I was being so careless and awful towards you all with my comments and behavior.

I take full accountability and responsibility for my previous comments towards you and the wiki’s community as I have no ill will towards you, anyone who was involved in the situation I stupidly created, and everyone on the wiki. I understand that you all were just trying to confront my mean and crass behavior at the time and no one deserves to be treated with discourteous comments like that and have their ideas and content stolen from them. I do want to clarify that I was 14 when I made these comments towards you and the entire wiki community as I acted extremely childish, immature, and insolent towards you and the other people calling me out in which nobody deserves that kind of treatment and disrespect at all. However, my actions must not excused simply just because of my young age at the time as I’m not going to sugarcoat my past behavior since my actions was completely terrible towards you and everyone on the wiki and I wish I never created this situation and behaved so poorly in the first place. It was extremely nasty and inconsiderate for me to act the way I did towards you and others as I wish I did not think that everything I did and said was right when it is never acceptable to act and behave like how I did towards you and anyone at all.

I fully understand if you hate me still as I deserve it and I am not asking for forgiveness nor for you to accept my apology. I do mean every word in this apology and I do not want to excuse myself for everything I have said that was appalling and repugnant towards you and the wiki’s community as I will make sure to never behave like how I did in the past to you and anyone else ever again. Once again, I truly do apologize for my unpleasant and terrible behavior and comments on my message wall that were directed at you back then. Thank you for reading.

- RealGameTime102