Fantendo - Game Ideas & More
Fantendo - Game Ideas & More

What've I done...

The rules are that someone posts a noun (or proper noun) down below, maybe something that you think will garner attention. Then in the replies to that comment, people will respond with their opinions. Keep it clean everyone, so no NSFW posts (or related) and try to avoid sensitive topics. The point here is to have civil, but fun, interaction.

And yes, this is a sequel to Lumoshi's original free response game.


  • FuchsiaPanacea: Air conditioners.
  • <user>: Way too loud for my liking.
  • <user2>: They're pretty COOL
  • <user3>: brrrrrrr

To prevent spam, don't respond to things you have no opinion on. Try not to kickstart a bunch of threads in quick succession, either.