It been a while and I've been thinking hard about this for a while now, but ultimately, I've decided to take my leave finally. It been a long run these past 5 years. Because I come back briefly and disappear for a while nowadays, its better if I do this now than doing it later.
I'm leaving not necessarily because of the current state of the community, but more because I've been really unmotivated to write anything here. I'm so focused on original content nowadays that like it doesn't exactly fit within this community if I'm being completely honest. I'd rather work on The Kirai Effect outside of here. It's a slow process, but I dream of it being at least somewhat successful in the future. I'm in a small, closed friend group nowadays and I'd rather talk about TKE to them since they are interested in it.
Regardless, I'm going to mark all my pages for deleted (I will probably do a set of 10 overtime so I don't overwhelm the mods in one period of time ^^; ) I loved writing pages back then but its not my vibe now anymore. Considering the new layout for wikia, it further boosted my uninterest here. I will possibly be still roaming around in the comments of other blogs (that is if the recent blogs page would even work :/), but other than that, I'm very unlikely to edit here anymore, but who knows?
Anyways, take care y'all~