Fantendo - Game Ideas & More
Fantendo - Game Ideas & More

eyy, i’m fuz, professional dipshit. i’m a User of Fantendo with a knack for not finishing any of my crap. i’m 17 years old, a passionate dumbass, and i’m a fan of most nintendo properties. i’m also a striving musician and writer. i’ve been around since july 2014, which is a long time, if you couldn’t tell.

shoot me a message for any inquiries/if you just wanna talk, if i’m unavailable here i have a discord (fuz#0227), so message me there if necessary.

anyways, that’s all i really have to say. enjoy my barren profile!

people who i like

i mean i like a lot of people, these are just the people who top the list:

what's on my plate rn?
