Hey all, Athena here.
I was formerly a bureaucrat on the Fantendo Wiki and am currently retired, with no plans to return. If I ever return to contribute anything, it will probably be fixing any pages I've left behind that are in urgent need of updates to adhere to the rules and nothing else. You are free to leave me a message on my talk page, but it's not likely I'll respond to it, so hopefully it's nothing important. If you must get in contact with me immediately, leave a message, hopefully one of my friends sees and gives you my Discord friend code- assuming you have Discord!
If you want to read anything I've made over the past 7 years, I'd go here. My company page can be found here, although it is permanently defunct. Please don't use any of my characters; I trust the administrators to remove all future uses of those characters.
My favorite bands are Pink Floyd, Alice in Chains, Deftones, Linkin Park, and Iron Maiden.
Strawpolls (just surveys):
Also, this is (one of) my favorite song(s) of all time.
Ciao now.