The Pyro Enterprises Direct is a special event hosted by Pyro Enterprises on various occasions to showcase new projects. Though it is in a similar vein to that of Nintendo's similarly named Directs, company CEO ValkyriePyra sees it more as a soft reboot of the company's PyroVision Direct service, inspired by Super Smash Bros. 4's Pic of the Day service.
Though the dates may vary, they can often take place over multiple days, with a multitude of content being revealed at once. As such, they can be considered similar to showcases of projects the company is offering or revealing.
List of Directs[]
The first Pyro Enterprises Direct ever released. Notable for the reveal of the Onyx gaming console, as well as the reveals of Vessa alongside The Legend of Zelda: The Cursed Crest and Super Smash Bros. Shift, the latter of which became reworked into Crestseeker and SHIFT after their reveals. Super Mario Voyage 2 and a third season of Boundless updates were teased, but no word of the projects has come since.
The second Direct under the Pyro Enterprises banner unveils four new projects: Kirby and the Galaxy Guard, a sequel to the original Crestseeker titled Crestseeker: Seeds of Shadow, a SHIFT RPG spinoff titled SHIFT: Four Heroes of Soul, and Valiant.
This Direct contains reveals for Skullpunk, Aegis: Phantom Operative, Infinite Horizon, and a sequel to the original SHIFT titled SHIFT: Ultimate Climax.
4-23-20 (Kotomo Direct)[]
A direct focusing on updates to the game Kotomo, including plenty of new information and reveals. Multiple characters- Sawyer, Cinda, and Nanuk- were revealed for the game, alongside the Kotomo Gnarana, Gnashark, Nettrop, Clustrop, Moskemo, and Radiano.