Princess Endora is a Super Mario Princess OC created by Sarah West.
Endora may seem like a dark and mysterious person at first glance, mainly due to her Gothic-like appearance and somewhat creepy tastes and interests, but she is, in fact, quite peaceful and cheerful. Despite coming from a dark and seemingly gloomy background, she likes seeing the bright side of things. She knows that the world isn't a great place, but if she sees the positive in some things, the world might seem a little better. She is true to herself and is a lot stronger than she thinks. She is also a bit stubborn and rebellious. She likes being alone from time to time and doesn't go out very much, but she is very caring deep down. She enjoys reading, music, and writing stories and poetry, as they are a huge part of her life and she holds what's important to her close. She has a dress code to her own book, and it works for her just fine, and she never lets anyone try and judge her. Endora likes to be different and artistic in her own way. She embraces her beauty and is confident and classy with her originality.