Fantendo - Game Ideas & More
Fantendo - Game Ideas & More
Needle Man
Needle Man
2D art of Needle Man
GENDER Male-Programming
SPECIES Robot Master
AGE 28
ALIGNMENT Hero/villain
Napalm Man (brother)
CLASS Robot Hero/robot villain
WEAPONS Needle Cannon
Mega Man 3

Needle Man (ニードルマン Nīdoruman?) is a deadly Robot Master when he uses his Special Weapon, the rapid-fire Needle Cannon, to pepper his foes with a barrage of spike-shaped bullets which are sharp enough to pierce 10 inch-thick stone. Created by Dr. Light and Dr. Wily using aspects of Metal Man's combat programming, his initial purpose was to work in energy mines, specializing in land development and breaking through boulders and bedrock.

Despite his large "Air Man-type" build, he is agile and good at jumping, even being able to remain stationary in the air to attack for brief moments of time by raining shots on his opponents from above. To accompany his ranged attacking capabilities, the thick spikes on his head are needle-sharp, and mounted on a heavy base attached to his head with an extendable chain.[1] This impromptu weapon can be fired over short distances with huge power, making him very dangerous to try and fight up close.

Needle Man is intellectual and generally liked for his fighting capabilities, but he has a dry wit and tends to be sarcastic. He enjoys sewing and knitting, hobbies that both utilize needles, but ironically is terrified of injections and other medical procedures that involve needles.

Fanon Appearances[]

  1. Rockman Complete Works official site.